Oh, I never said she wasn't crazy. Lol. I just said it makes sense why she's a bitch. Lol. All that other bull is legit BULL. But hey, crazy + bitch = wtf wrong witchhu guuurl.
HAHAHA! No man, she went through some trials and tribulations. Think Nicki was being critically judged for being a female rapper now? Think how hard it was 30 years ago when it was legitimately an all male exclusive thing to do. On top of that, she would sing and rap on the same album which was like "What the fuck are you doing?" And since she wrote and sang about the realest shit, no one actually paid attention because that's ablut the time when everyone was being materialistic and sexist. She tried fighting it but so many people pushed her down and she must have given up and decided to live her life how she wanted. Shit, she even got shit from her other Fugees members, one that she had dated that ended bad which is one of the reasons why the Fugees had split up. It's like she basically had potential to be this big successful woman with a good message but people didn't want her to.
She does :'( Then there's a mixtape and she has an album coming out soon I think? I don't know. she released a song called Consumerism though meant for a project called 'Letters of Exile' or something like that.
Thank you But no, I might be rapping on it soon. It may be re-released. I'm currently working on the lyrics. But for that snippet I posted, I'll def be rapping on that one. I just need to record my vocals and master it all and I'll be done with it So that may be released soon as well!