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Kevinn Edu

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Everything posted by Kevinn Edu

  1. Aww, I wanted a verse )':
  2. I live for this post. This post is flawless.
  3. Wanna get on that hip-hopera ? I'll put Bey's 'Bow Down' to shame
  4. Watch them perform 'Black Widow' together
  5. And I had to release mine today!
  6. That's so weird because BAM: HERE IT IS Tracklisting is different though. Welp. i'm never on skype. I'll be sure to add you rn though!
  7. Too bad that 'Phoenix From The Fire' will knock your single off the charts entirely.
  8. But my follow up 'Death to a Firestarter' will bring my back.
  9. She should have a booth outside all Gaga's show venues.
  10. But 'Taking Out The Trayertrash' will be a smash hit
  11. Yes, I would: What release date? I had to make final plans yesterday and barely coming with a release date today. I'm upset with you for not adding to it tbh. But legit, Minaj and I can just talk shit for ages and ages, this ain't stopping any time soon.
  12. We have a rivalry...?? Since when?!
  13. of course not, they'll only be for u
  14. Hell yeah. You're gonna be in charge of photoshopping my professional nudes.
  15. Well then that makes a perfect excuse to make another :wizard:
  16. That was mine too!
  17. Lmao. My bad. There's also going to be a little surprise for you all
  18. Weird woman elbow porn?! Fucking straight men. It looks really good! I wish I was that good! :cries:
  19. I am here for this.
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