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Kevinn Edu

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Everything posted by Kevinn Edu

  1. My phone broke /: Besides, talking to him face to face would be better...
  2. I do! I really want to but then I get nervous and scared and bitch out.
  3. I doubt it
  4. But why does it matter if you're so "musically and lyrically superior"?
  5. No, release date is a little too soon. I want to see how many people are willing. I'll plan and make a outline for you all to see, if you all like it, we'll go from there! I'll show you all on Wednesday
  6. 'Cypher' also means to have a segment in which artist, mostly rappers, come and freestyle over a beat. That's what I was thinking. Lmao. Like seriously, Em has a insanely twisted mind. Ever since he first came out. He really doesn't give a fuck and will speak his mind. Shit, remember what the said about Nicki? I totally agree with this! I've been listening to him for as long as I can remember and that's one of the reasons he wasn't exactly my ultimate favorite rapper. He's cool and all, but his constant drop of the subject of domestic violence is pretty insane.
  7. Omg, when I first seen that i was dying of laughter.
  8. We got into an argument and then we just stopped talking and now it's like whenever we see each other (we have a lot of mutual friends) we act as if we never happened... I've written so many songs about this tbh.
  9. *Ashley voice* I do it all the time
  10. Not trying to defend him, but I feel as if he hates everyone. Eminem is such a controversial person. But I swear, the hate for Lana seriously came from no where. It wasn't subtly hinted that he disliked her.
  11. As I recall it was going to be a song based on the film Teeth, where the girl grows teeth in her vagina. I couldn't get inspired enough to watch that movie again, so we just kicked it off the tracklist and replaced it with Holy Ground. The production I had in mind was kind of trap-y, but as we decided not to finish it, that was never realized. Not going to lie, I love that movie. Lmao.
  12. excuse *us. Ashley is banned from the project! #BanTheTrayer
  13. Humility goes a long way
  14. Lmao. Cool beans! Ima wait for a couple people to respond before breaking it all down. Lol.
  15. More like Honey Who The Fuck Were You?
  16. So I've noticed that a lot of us sing/rap/produce and was thinking we should maybe have an collab EP! So yeah, with that being said, what can/do you want to do?
  17. We should do it! I'm so serious. I'm going to start a thread.
  18. Why not? I mean, we're all recording a project, a song or two, maybe some collabs, shouldn't be hard to record for a Pophatesfags EP.
  19. When are we going to have the POPHATESFAGS EP?
  20. We'll be the best TV show out there.
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