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Kevinn Edu

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Everything posted by Kevinn Edu

  1. Hell yes! Im so used to you talking shit. Lol. No. This is what $chwagg is ladies and gentlemen. Well don't get it twisted, I still hate this piece of trash. I just like that judging by his new haircut, Chris and his hairstylist both hate him just as much as I do. :shocked: There's the Mo I know and love. And there's the Kevin I know and lust for! Is your Internet working again? My internet is working but not my laptop /: How irritating! Do you at least have a tablet or something you can use? You need to get your laptop repaired so we can all hear that unreleased EP of yours! Trust me! it's so ready to come out! I was in the final stages of it all. Do a Neon Hitch and re-record the whole thing in 24 hours for us! I probably will end up doing that.
  2. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  3. Hell yes! Im so used to you talking shit. Lol. No. This is what $chwagg is ladies and gentlemen. Well don't get it twisted, I still hate this piece of trash. I just like that judging by his new haircut, Chris and his hairstylist both hate him just as much as I do. :shocked: There's the Mo I know and love. And there's the Kevin I know and lust for! Is your Internet working again? My internet is working but not my laptop /: How irritating! Do you at least have a tablet or something you can use? You need to get your laptop repaired so we can all hear that unreleased EP of yours! Trust me! it's so ready to come out! I was in the final stages of it all.
  4. Hell yes! Im so used to you talking shit. Lol. No. This is what $chwagg is ladies and gentlemen. Well don't get it twisted, I still hate this piece of trash. I just like that judging by his new haircut, Chris and his hairstylist both hate him just as much as I do. :shocked: There's the Mo I know and love. And there's the Kevin I know and lust for! Is your Internet working again? My internet is working but not my laptop /:
  5. thank you all! i'm still alive btw. lol
  6. AWWW thank you guys so much! Ima about to get white girl wasted today and this weekend lol.
  7. Really? 'L.A. Love' was a worse song than 'Four Door Aventador'? 'L.A. Love' is a mess. FDA is ***FLAWLESS
  8. Hell yes! Im so used to you talking shit. Lol. No. This is what $chwagg is ladies and gentlemen. Well don't get it twisted, I still hate this piece of trash. I just like that judging by his new haircut, Chris and his hairstylist both hate him just as much as I do. There's the Mo I know and love.
  9. Hell yes! Im so used to you talking shit. Lol. No. This is what $chwagg is ladies and gentlemen.
  10. I think Nicki Minaj's 5 seconds on stage was flawless
  11. (every mean girl thing related reminds me of you.) PREACH!
  12. ...is certainly interesting. What do you guys think?
  13. I'm feeling myself, jack rabbit I'm feeling myself, back off, I'm feeling myself, jack off. He be thinkin' about me when he whacks off, wax on.
  14. Have you ever seen a video by Nick and Ken? They pretty much sound like the American versions of Vinny and Luke, I think you'd like them! I love Mamrie as well but I'm not a huge fan of her videos anymore...her puns just got so ridiculous and the content got too repetitive. I like her better when she's a bit more spontaneous tbh. Omg, I loved Shane, Smosh, Joey, Hartman, even Tyler. I drifted from them so badly though. But you can for sure catch me watching parodies and the reaction videos. Tbh I find Joey so boring. He has a cute face but his personality is dull. And sis needs to come out as gay already. Maybe that's why he's so boring. He;s not really acting as his full self yet.
  15. Omg, I loved Shane, Smosh, Joey, Hartman, even Tyler. I drifted from them so badly though. But you can for sure catch me watching parodies and the reaction videos.
  16. Fixed it for you! Let's not do [iurl=http://"http://\"http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?topic=3384.0&quot]this[/iurl] again lmao o:-)
  17. Got a bow on my panties 'cause my ass is a present.
  18. Fixed it for you!
  19. Nicki Minaj - All Things Go on the Toilet.
  20. In what Latin alphabet does P come after U? The one where I'm half asleep.
  21. It's just Firework. It's baby, you're a firework, not baby, you're fireworks. I seriously don't get where people get the s from but it's OK, I don't hate you, lol. I hate the people who say they love her and they're a huuuuge fan but they call it s, like, you're trying to get me to believe something that's obviously false, just get outta my way, gurrrl. But yeah, she sounded pretty good when she sung it at the PWT concert I went to. I didn't even notice I added the 's' But yeah! She's not to shabby live.
  22. Nope! I sent you a message about it. I have a couple ideas that I wanna share with ya.
  23. So, it wasn't actually that bad. I was expecting the worse from her and we got not too shabby! But seriously though, I actually did enjoy when she performed 'Fireworks'.
  24. f37bc1bdc616e13e251b671d987e6bee
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