I don't know how many times I have to say it, but someone doesn't need to fetishize my body in order to love me. It's disturbing how many people tell me how 'lucky' I am to find a man who 'likes big girls.' It's not a compliment. It's saying that my body isn't worthy of loving. It's saying that no matter how much of a decent person I am or how much I have in common with someone you're okay with them not giving me the time of day because I'm a plus size woman. It's saying that someone must view me as a fetish to experience attraction towards me. I'm not a fetish. I'm a somewhat decent person who happened to find one person out of the 7 billion people on earth that I'm compatible with.
I'm lucky to have found someone who loves me, all of me. Someone who has done beyond what anyone else I've ever been with to provide for me emotionally and financially. Someone who works his ass off to insure our financial stability. Someone who accepts my constant political tirades and music extremities. Someone who thinks it's cute when I laugh at gruesome murders in horror movies, stop everything I'm doing when I see something Star Trek related and randomly cry over Xander leaving Anya. Someone who respects my boundaries. Someone who doesn't view my friendships as competitions. Someone who has defended me over and over again. Someone who is perfect for me in every way. Someone who has loved me in every way a person can love another person. I'm lucky to have found my soul mate. But I'm not lucky to have found someone who doesn't hold me to unrealistic body standards and loves my body even though it's the smallest part of who I am.