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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Would you rather find this or weird porn?
  2. I love you #DumpAndrea #BeMyBabbyDaddy
  3. I don't use 'gay slang', nor do I watch Drag Race or have friends
  4. Upside down cake
  5. Strawberry fudge
  6. Yes & a few people have given me credits you gave me like 800 something didn't you?
  7. 1845 :'(
  8. There's a mod on this site who said they'd sent me credits for uploading some songs from them, but I haven't been given anything yet. I'm pretty sure it's because no one will marry him & help him get a green card
  9. 1. I have 4 Judy Garland barbies. 2. I currently have 8 copies of The Wizard Of Oz 3. I was gifted a Judy Garland record for Christmas by a stranger on another forum.
  10. Dear Nathan, Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your parents Maybe you can start out talking to your mom, tell her 'some guy' you go to school with came out & got kicked out & see how she reacts. If she supports the parents decision, I'd wait to come out, if she says something in disagreement towards it, maybe you can ask how she would feel if you (or a siblings if you have any) were gay & see how it goes from there. I've helped a few friends come out & 99% of the time the mother is the most accepting & understanding, even if they are homophobic. Are you over 18? I don't think it's legal to kick out a minor, but idk if you're American or not, so it could be different. As for wanting a new look, tell your parents you want to start dressing nicer because you feel comfortable in those types of clothes. I don't think parents have problems with their kids wanting to look nice? Plus, you can always use the 'I want to look more professional for my future' excuse. With the hair dye, maybe you could use temporary hair dye for the concert, the one that washes out after a few days so it's not something your parents really freak out about, plus, if it ends up not looking right on you, you won't be stuck with it. If your parents like it & you like it, maybe dye it permanently. I'd wait to try finding a boyfriend until you've talked to your parents because tbh, it always becomes an issue with one person in a relationship isn't out. Your bf could pressure you into coming out when you're not ready & it could end things quickly & messingly.
  11. I don't watch award shows, but omg Liza looked AMAZING, I LOVE the blue streak & hope she keeps it.
  12. Aimee Mann
  13. You're welcome
  14. I'm 100% serious about this, so I'd appreciate only serious answers to this. So, I'm 23, get paid a decent amount to nanny, but I feel like I should have a backup plan with my life, because lbr, nannying isn't going to last forever. I want to go to college, but I live too far away from any around here to be able to work & go to school, so I'm considering online classes. The thing is though, I sucked in high school. My GPA was something like a 1.9 It wasn't the fact that I wasn't smart, I just didn't apply myself because I had extreme depression problems, so I know I'm not going to get a scholarship for having good grades. I have aspergers, a form of autism & it's cause me to have a lot of anxiety problems, so I don't want a career that involved a lot of public speaking. I can handle one on one conversations, but to even think about speaking in front of a large amount of people stresses me out. I'm awful at math & science. No matter how hard I tried in school, my brain just couldn't grasp it. I had tutors, teachers help, studied at home, but it never clicked with me.I have to use a calculator to do even simple math problems. The only subjects I was good at in school were history and government, but I don't want to be a history teacher or senator because of my anxiety & I can't really think of any other decent jobs you can get with a history or government degree. I don't want a job that requires me to travel because I have a child. So are there any careers out there for me? I legit feel hopeless about my future right now because I can't seem to find anything that would fit my life.
  15. Rob Zombie
  16. I hope someone finally kills him. What if Perez reads this & tries to take down the site? Imagine the promo! #SpamPigrezWithLinks #PopHatesPerez #BringBackPerez1
  17. Dear Angry Classy Lady, I suggest you spread even something nastier shit about her, or, if you have any legit dirt on her, tell the fucking world. Bring the bitch down! Sittin' back & doing nothing only makes bitches think they can continue their behavior. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Or, if you're daring, pull a Regina George.
  18. Why don't any of y'all (besides Mo, keep it real boo ) sign with a clever name reflecting your problem? Anyway, Dear Lonely In Love, My advice is for you to try talking to him again, send him a text, give him a call & try to make some plans. If he asks why you had stopped talking to him, be honest. Tell him how you feel. If you think it'll be too hard to tell him in person, tell him over the phone then. There's no such thing as the wrong time to say 'I love you'. Do you know if he feels the same way back? Get back to me after you tell him. Take Care. P.S. Rub some vaseline around & quickly pull it out. Don't try to do it slow, it'll make it worse.
  19. The lie is that you breed tarantulas. We all know you breed llamas.
  20. '' It was kinda sexy tbh, it's written just like the she (Sam & Cat) would play out. Whoever wrote it did a great job tbh. They stuck true to the characters. Hoping for a porn parody tbh
  21. I knew people who knew people who wanted someone who had no life & wanted to help lol. Last I heard from them, they had a permanent staff.
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