I saw this on facebook today, what's your opinion on it? It's all 100% true. Or we could stop hating altogether and act like we had a brain and celebrate his life before he lost his mind!! DUH..You know the guy who was MLK, before MLK was on the scene? The guy that damned near took down Jim Crow single handedly? The guy that had a bounty on his head from almost every Klan leader in the deep south where he was working? There is plenty of history documenting the gallant civil rights worker that once was Fred Phelps. (Wiki doesn't even touch the surface) His declining mental health and erratic behavior led to his eventual disbarment as an attorney, he eventually slipped into oblivion and re-surfaced as the Fred Phelps that everyone knows today. Go ahead on and make silly remarks and keep hating, it's much easier to act like the person that he eventually became than to give thanks for the person that he once was.