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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. I can deal with unreleased too, some shit just doesn't make the cut, but this bitch keeps promising songs that will never see the light of day. That's why we all love her Aw, thanks I hope you enjoy it :D
  2. I forgot about the Samantha video, tours and collaborations
  3. What will probably happen
  4. Inspired by Cypher's List of Gaga's Betrayals, here is a list of the all of the broken promises from the queen of rock. Songs Albums Miscellaneous
  5. Beauty King should tbh. I'm spending 1000s on shoes for you, yet he thinks he can just marry you & be debt free. Nah bitch, you can get married for like $20, BK, don't be a cheap ass, help ya boo out #ILoveMoMore #TwerkKing2016
  6. Fool, her big of deceits is bigger than Gaga's, I should make a thread
  7. Stan for the queen of pop
  8. I would say never believe anything CLove says about music, but her song with Fall Out Boy came out so & so did her You Know My Name/Wedding Day, so I feel like anything is possibly how
  9. DARE I can't post my sex tape, they were uploaded on my old computer that crashed
  10. #PetitionToMakeCypherPostHisPics #BanMoIfHeDoesnt
  11. YAS! I can read y'all my wedding vows!
  12. Someone give me a dare
  13. I'm writing a song about you right now
  14. I've officially released My Space,the first track from my spoken word album Dark Heart Trayler Park coming October 19th Please let me know what you think [soundcloud]https://soundcloud.com/realtrayertrash/sets/dark-heart-trayler-park[/soundcloud]
  15. Royal Regine better step up her game
  16. I hope someone shoves an eggplant up your dick hole.
  17. Someone leak this is hq
  18. What if they're all fans doing some role playing game via facebook
  20. I've only seen a few episodes, it wasn't bad, but I couldn't get into it. I found it to be extremely predictable
  21. Mad Men... But YAS AT DAT LIST GET IT GRRRL They just finished up the 1st season, so it'll be easy to catch up
  22. Fine, it's to buy Mo & new pair of Versace shoes
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