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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Your voice made me cum.
  2. I've seen a ridiculous amount of people live, thanks to going to Warped Tour for 13 years straight, Kings Fest (Christian music festival ) and getting free tickets to a venue in the area, but no one I even really care about now I was supposed to see Gaga during TBTWB, but bitch cancelled like 2 weeks before my show :vacuum:
  3. I'll be waiting for the cultural appropriation bloggers attack
  4. Polka blue grass with lyrical influences of gangsta rap YAS GWEN YAS!
  5. So sick of this shitty hipster folk shit
  6. Right? APPLE COULD NEVA!!!
  7. It flips on the side & has a key board thingy
  8. I love the fact that one of the writers Lauren Morelli realized that she's lesbian while filming the show & left her husband & is dating Samira Wiley (Poussey) now
  9. I thought Sky had better taste
  10. I'm happy with my Cosmos 3 that doesn't support apps, battery that lasts me almost all week and was free with a purchase of a $50 phone card from Wal*Mart.
  11. I'm here for Slutlena
  12. Omfg I love this show! I didn't watch it until season 2 came out because I thought I'd hate it, but then I binged watched it for like a week & fell in love. I love everyone on the show, Piper is a bit annoying, especially in season 1, but she's not too bad now. Poussey & Red are my favorites. I love that they do everyone's back stories and don't focus solely on one character ya know? & I love Taystee & Poussey's friendship.
  13. Whoopi and Rosies are the only reasons to even watch this shit anymore. Nicole is going to be just like Elizabeth & the second Rosie states her opinions she'll be viewed as the dyke who bullies good hearted patriots - same shit she had to deal with with Elizabeth. I respect them having people with different political views -because really, it'd be boring and pointless to just have everyone agreeing with each other - but I can't stand when they try to get extreme conservatives just for ratings. I hope Nicole isn't as much as a cunt as Elizabeth and at least has some sort of respect for others opinions. I'm still pissed that Nicole was apart of the Florida recount that lead to George W Bush's first presidential win. On the plus side, she doesn't like Palin and is one of the few republicans to support marriage equality, so at least she's not a full blow crazy. I don't know shit about Rosie Perez, but I see her and Nicole having a lot of issues about immigration.
  14. Twenty years ago, the gods above blessed unto us the most handsome, bitchy, bad ass cunt evaaaa. Please show your love and respect by wishing Mo a wonderful day and please send him lots of drugs, porn and cash or else Happy birthday babe, I love you!!!!!
  15. I'm offended my future #1 album Dark Heart Trayler Park hasn't been mentioned. Obviously that'll slay the world & be #1 for all eternity.
  16. Anthrax will release their first pop album & slay the basic bitch. The album will be so good that no one will ever make music ever again
  17. Gaga can't take a shit without people thinking it'll be her next big come back lol. I hate to compare her to Madonna, but I think she'll have the same type of career as her with the ups & downs. People still think Madonna hasn't topped her Like A Virgin/Like A Prayer ears, much like people think Gaga will never top The Fame/The Fame Monster eras. Even though Madonna has been very successful, she'll always be associated with her 80's music and Gaga will always be associated with Bad Romance and Poker Face regardless of how many albums or #1 hits she has. I think her come back is inevitable, she has a large, very dedicated fan base, but she won't be #1 until she calm down on her 'weirdness'. I think at this point, people assume Gaga will go out in some crazy outfit and a few years ago it was fascinating to see her be so different and for her to make other pop girls step up their game, but we've come to expect the unexpected from her and it's almost made her boring because of it. I think she needs to calm down with her fashions, soak up the good press from the jazz albums, write a good fun dance song and release it when no one's expecting it.
  18. You look fat in that pic. Please loose some weight you lard ass.
  19. Umm fuck you for thinking I would ever be an opener Actually, Elton John, Beyonce & 50 Cent are opening for me for my groundbreaking concert on the moon! #GagaWho?
  20. The Queen Of Rock has officially supported my hit single Myspace #WhenWillYourFave https://www.facebook.com/courtneylove/photos/a.535912143112295.1073741828.504299626273547/711527902217384/?type=1&theater
  21. Y'all bitches live in Canada so I'm going to need you to buy Lost In Cyco City by Sumo Cyco. It's the only album in history to be officially released but not be posted anywhere online. It's only $9.99, but I'll send you $15 via iTunes after you but it. This is a demand, not a request https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/lost-in-cyco-city/id881244790 Thanks <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  22. I read this wrong and though it said "Martin & Jennifer Lawrence Dating" & was wondering why Martin Lawrence would lower his standards so low
  23. YAS MO YAS #QueenOfTheGays #QueenOfIndie
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