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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Omg I am hyped as fuuuuck about this movie. I watched the trailer a few times yesterday and I teared up a bit. I remember seeing the trailer for The Phantom Menace when I saw A Bug's Life in theaters on Thanksgiving in 1998 and the Attacks Of The Clones trailer during Monsters Inc. on Thanksgiving in 2001 and the Revenge Of the Clones trailer on tv during an episode of House. I hope everyone who hasn't seen the other movies marathons them before watching this movie. It's one of those series where you have to watch all of them to really know what's going on. Watch them in theatrical release order, not the movie number.
  2. Of course, my mom is over and asked what I was doing and she saw this.
  3. He used to call me AY That stood for Ashley's Yayo
  4. He used to call me AW That stood for Annoying Wangster
  5. He used to call me AS That stood for Ashley Simpson's (hairy butt hole)
  6. He used to call me aq That stood for all-night queefing
  7. That red dress
  8. He used to call me AJ that stood for Amanda Joy (Michalka)
  9. He used to call me AC That stood for Ashley's cock
  10. In this game, we're taking the first line of the song Ultraviolence - He used to call me DN, that stood for deadly night shade and replacing the abbreviation. We'll start with AA and finish at ZZ. Example - The first person could say He used to call me AA That stood for anal aerobics The next person would have the letter AB He used to call me AB That stood for awesome breast Then the following person would have AC, then AD, etc. etc. once someone gets to AZ then we go BA, BB, BC etc. Make it fun & shady He used to call me AA That stood for awesome ass
  11. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  12. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  13. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  14. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  15. Fixed it for you!
  16. Bisexuality doesn't exist because the only person in the world he could ever be attracted to is obviously me. #MosexualityIsNotAPhase Mosexuality is actually a disease in young men who find ugly, troll like creatures attractive when in reality they are made from kangaroo shit and dirt of Australia mixed together with fairy dust and the saltiest of salt waters. And I am proud to have this disease
  17. You can pet my pygmy puff
  18. trayertrash


  19. Umm.... Do you stab him first or do I? You can do the honors Matilda So southerners aren't just sex offenders, they're also violent abusers? Shocking tbh. I'M AM NOT FUCKING VIOLENT YOU FUCKING SHIT FACE FART FUCKER! I WILL FUCKING SET YOU ON FIRE IF YOU EVER CALL ME VIOLENT AGAIN YOU FUCKING SLUT FACED CUNT BUCKET!
  20. Right? It also pisses me off that any straight guy who says he agrees with gay marriage is suddenly like the second coming of Jesus. Like congratulations, you're a decent human being who isn't trying to strip people of basic human rights, you must be Mother Theresa. YAS
  21. Agreed. I wish they'd taken off their cloaks in the final movies but I guess they thought it would be too scary for children... I want you to sit on my face so that all I can see bouncing up and down on me is a pair of big old Grindylow eyes. Lawrence looked over and saw this and just shook his head :stretcher:
  22. Until I looked it up I thought you were talking about Amy Lee and she was playing the lead role. I was like wut. But I actually fell in love with Amy after I saw her in Doubt, she was super good in it! My 15 emo self loves Amy Lee! I've hated her in everything she's ever done. Do you have that one celeb you don't have a problem with personally but every fucking thing they do annoying the living hell out of you? It's like the second I see her face or hear her voice I want to set myself on fire.
  23. I never understood this sentence. Because every time I see someone mention a guy being bisexual there's usually some ass hole who pops up saying all bi guys are confused gays and eventually all bi guys will 'become gay' or whatever. Same type of people who think all bi girls are faking it/confused and 'become' straight if they marry a man. Because you know, people can just choose their sexuality.
  24. Umm.... Do you stab him first or do I? You can do the honors Matilda
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