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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. This thread is for posting gifs and pictures of the flawless Jane Fonda
  2. #JusticeForHolify
  3. I'm here Welcome back again gorgeous, you always have a home here to come back to! awe thanks, I'm SWEAR I'm not going to disappear again y'all ain't getting rid of me that easy That's what you said the last 20 times you've disappeared #LeakMusiclandByGagaAndIWillForgiveYou
  4. I'm rubbing my Lana karma on this. If you don't listen then nothing else of Lana's will leak for 14 years.
  5. If it helps, I've never thought you were nice and have always viewed you as a dry wrinkled cut. Aww, thank you! I feel exactly the same way about you! Omg sis, you've gotta tell me the tea. Who was it? OMGIwonderwho Well normally I wouldn't snitch but since it's an ex-friend... Her name was Nicole and she registered on this site to trade using some other alias. Natalia or Natalee I think? I don't really remember.. Anywayy she got so mad since no-one would trade with her that she deleted her account and started sending me paragraphs dragging individual members on here lmaoo. Serves that bitch right for not sharing.. Literally every single time I ask someone why they hate PHF it's because people didn't trade with them. Maybe if those type of people instilled some trust on the forum, you know by making friends, being an active member, proving the have unleaked songs, not talking shit about people on the forum for not wanting to trade with some random dick hole after 2 posts, etc., people would want to trade with them. The other people hate us because we leaked something they had and they're pissed they can't trade it around anymore. If that's the only thing we're hated for, then we must be doing something right. All of our active members are ***flawless and we're the chillest forum ever.
  6. If it helps, I've never thought you were nice and have always viewed you as a dry wrinkled cut.
  7. The Pinkprint introduced me to the perfection that is Nicki's ass
  8. Right? I was on bestgore (don't judge me) and someone sent me a link what's bestgore? You don't want to know i'll end up googling it if i dont It's a site with real deaths on it, like beheadings, people being shot, dead bodies, amputations etc. It's mostly there because various countries use it to catch murderers... I use it for entertainment.
  9. Because she's Gaga, it's who she is and what she loves to do. Would you remember her as much without them? What about Elton John, David Bowie, Cher, Madonna, Freddie Mercury, they're all known for being great performers and also for their "gimmicks".
  10. You should listen to her breakthrough album Born This Way so you can understand her better! wV1FrqwZyKw I hated that whole era. You clearly didn't listen to Schiße. There were a few songs I did like,like 'Hair' and 'Hair' 'Judas', and oh yeah, 'Hair'. but The rest sucked ass. I did. Then I almost had an stroke. Because it was pop perfection
  11. Right? I was on bestgore (don't judge me) and someone sent me a link what's bestgore? You don't want to know
  12. Right? I was on bestgore (don't judge me) and someone sent me a link
  13. If you're not proud to me friends with the most well liked and successful pop star in history, you need to banned.
  14. Because my childhood and youth sucked, therefore karma owes me. Well, if you happen to come across a lawn full of Nicki Minaj shit, you know who to holla I don't think Nicki is desperate enough for those sales tho
  15. Because my childhood and youth sucked, therefore karma owes me.
  16. From my understanding this person's net worth is $200 million! I think he's 'middle class rich' but not super rich ya know? I'm going to go in December to see if he has anything up for her birthday, more cds & take lots of pictures
  17. He used to call me CO That stood for condom organizer
  18. He used to call me CL That stood for Courtney Love (queen of rock )
  19. That site is sick and Carcass, you should be embarrassed. Don't you love all the dead hot guys tho? Cypher likes living women. We're not all freaks like you Carcass. Your welcome for the promo tho
  20. Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald Oh! I thought I was meant to be looking at the guy on the far left. Like every one of her professional relationships, I'm sure this will crash and burn, but these two cunts really do deserve each other so maybe it could work out. I thought the guy to the right was R Kelly & I thought that's the rapist Cypher was referring to.
  21. As someone who's had a child, I can confirm this is 100% what happens. So glad these game makers are stepping in for the lazy parents who rely on games to raise their children.
  22. PHF's very own Carcass has opened up a new site full of wonderful things. Please support him by visiting his site. It would mean a lot to him
  23. Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald
  24. Please only respond with Mean Girls gifs from now on.
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