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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Waiting for @Cypher to buy the Japanese version of Joanne so he can upload Million Reasons (Work Tape) in lossless :hail: 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. trayertrash


      But... your collection needs it. Don't disappoint me. :morning: 

    3. Hawks


      Don't disappoint us**  :morning: 

    4. Cypher


      I owe nothing to y'all. :morning: 

  2. Bless those of you who hounded me about Sia. I've seen the light. Forgive me goddess.  :hail: 

  3. Why do new people always like a random post from 3 years ago or request thing without posting anything else :stretcher: 

  4. You joined less than 30 minutes ago to make one post then logged off. How original
  5. What did you do with his life after you stole it? Are you up for trading it? I have the soul of a clinically depressed and anxiety filled housewife obsessed with 80s metal, 90s pop and Star Trek.
  6. @Countess Great list I recognized everything but the ones beside Skye, Nelly Furtado, Heidi and Leona - what are those?
  7. omg I think it was this
  8. Earlier this year I was scammed into listening to the music of Allie X. I was promised by several members I once considered friends that she was spectacular and that I should put my feelings towards the 2 songs I had heard aside and give her a fair chance. Being a music-loving fool I agreed. I listened to everything... everything... and was Xtremely angered by the lies I was told. She was Xactly as dull, untalented and pretentious as I had previous theorized Those liars are no longer in my life and I wish for them to have diarrhea at the most inconvenient times the rest of their lives for wasting hours of my life on this... thing.
  9. I'm so excited to see a vegan shirt in the phf redbubble shop! Make sure you check out the other great designs here! 

    Oh! Don't forget, the holiday season is quickly approaching! it's a great time to stock up on shirts, posters, stickers, mugs and many other cool items! 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Such a timely queen! :hail: I made this shirt for my mum who hates all vegans and says that they always talk too much about their diets because she has one person at work who's always trying to convert her. :magic: I'm going to be giving it to her for Christmas so I'd encourage all other PHF users with prejudiced parents to do the same!

    2. trayertrash


      My mom hates my veganism and complains about what I eat and my groceries even though it doesn't effect her at all and she's only seen me eat vegan food once. Your mom's impact:hail: 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's so heartwarming to know that all over the world, W*men like our mums are making the world a better place by praying for the extermination of veganism. :hail: #YesAllWomen

  10. Is someone fishy? Have you been scammed? Do you have valid suspicions against someone's tradelist? Is someone accusing you for being a scammer? Do you want to defend yourself? Post all the drama her instead of the trading thread
  11. oh no are you going to try again :3
  12. yes
  13. Meghan and Justin Weaver's songs are here https://www.reverbnation.com/justinweaver/songs
  14. Nightmare On My Mind Steak My Heart (Boy Meat) Como Se What? Fidgeting Heart Camera Camera Grey Shirt, White Pants (Daddy's Boy) No Mercy Batch 47 Down The Mississippi (We Were Nowhere Near) The Grand Canyon Party With The Zeros Escorpion and the Red Hand Welcome To Murphy Town The Election Micky D Got The Tea
  15. If you love those them I'm dying to see your chart
  16. I thought this would be a fun thing for all of us to do Go to http://topsters.net and pick between 50, 100 or a custom collage Mine is based around a few things: iTunes and last.fm plays, influence on my life, how it challenged me to discover new genres, the amount of songs I enjoyed on the album and how obsessed I was with the album Some artist have a song or two that have completely changed my perspective on music or have had a huge impact on my life, but the rest of their music didn't do much for me so I decided not to include those. Things that surprised me: There's not as much metal as I expected there to be. I wanted to include more Judy Garland, but they didn't really have that many albums by her. I didn't include any showtunes /musicals outside of Evita, which isn't even my favorite musical Maybe I should make a list of my favorite songs then one of my favorite showtunes But that would just be a pointless mess right? I considered taking off some of the repeated artists to include other artists I love. Madonna for example has 6 albums on this list, but she's also made a huge impact on my life by being one of the first artists I ever loved. Her music introduced me to so many artists I love today, plus helped me through so fucking much when I was younger. Not having the albums that shaped me into who I am today doesn't feel right. Looking at it now I feel weird about not including David Bowie, Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli, Accept, Ozzy era Black Sabbath etc. since they've been hugely important artists in my life. What a mess, I just made this and already want to change shit I need a top 500 list
  17. Burning Desire vs What A Girl Wants by Christina Aguilera
  18. Hey cutie :D 

    Just a reminder that I love you :blush: 

    Good night <3 

    1. trayertrash


      okay ignore my love then :'( 

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I'll respond to this when you respond to my neglected Skype message. :'( 

    3. trayertrash


      the last message I have from you is from when we said goodnight and you said "it was a perfect illusion" "night <3"

  19. Hey, do you know what shoot this is from? I downloaded it and used it as cover art awhile ago but can't find it anymore. Thanks8)


    Unreleased 1.jpg



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. From The Outside

      From The Outside

      Just have to say thats scary as hell.

    3. Tweener
    4. trayertrash


      Miley is a beautiful and unique soul and she looks fantastic <3 

  20. If you have questions of Sumo Cyco / Skye Sweetnam please let me know! I'm going to email the interview tomorrow! 

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