It's extremely important to use pronouns correctly. Using he/him is taking away from who Caitlyn feels she is, it's like saying her identity doesn't matter to you (although, I know you didn't mean it that way) Bruce/he/him aren't terms to use anymore when talking about Caitlyn. See, pronouns are the problem with me and trans people. I mean, I'd gladly call them what they want to be called but once I'm used to calling someone a guy or using the male pronouns, it's hard for me to be all like "Oh, she did this today," you know? I'll have to keep thinking to call him a her instead. But... that's just me and eventually once more people in the limelight start changing (because this has been a large step for famous people who want to, all the support), I'll get used to it eventually and I'll start using proper pronouns. Pronouns are still extremely important to trans people and what's comfortable to you doesn't really matter when it comes to what they find offensive. If you can remember their name, it's not too hard to remember he/him vs she/her. Thinking before speaking and checking pronouns before posting should be a top priority when it comes to trans issues. Not trying to sound bitchy, it's just something I take extremely seriously.