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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. Daaaaaaaaaaaamn that's good! I won't be using it since I'm not a fan of hers, but it's still a great cover. Good job and I'm glad you posted it
  2. Fuck Miranda Kill Cher Marry The Queen of Rap-Pop FMK: Obama, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders
  3. So they're shocked to find that men take the body shaming norms they've learned through hetero-patriarchy that they constantly shove onto women and apply it to their sexual preference as well? Yes, so shocking.
  4. Regardless of the current competition going on, you should invite your friends to join. This is without a doubt the best forum. It's (mostly) drama free, everyone is friendly, there's no superiority amongst members, everyone is kind and always willing to help, it's less strict and there's a real community here - not a bunch of idiots trolling each other because their parents don't give them enough attention. Seriously, this forum is the best and we should make it a goal to convert the best members from other forums to Flopians. :rockon:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RadiantEdits


      PREACH MAMA! I Love PHF's :blush:

    3. trayertrash


      Y'all better stan for this forum! Seriously, it's so great. I've met some great people on here and I have my music sugar daddy @Cypher in my life and @Countess and all the other folks I love <3 

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Thank you all so much for the support and love! :'( Not to get sappy but I've honestly worked so hard on this website and the greatest reward is when I wake up and see a million posts and messages and status updates have all been posted overnight. <3 Thank you for making PHF what it is today!

  5. I linked you to their pics so you can fuck daddy Negan @Stoop Kid please answer TWD question.
  6. I'm gonna Marry the night Stefani Fuck BornThisWayGa Side Chick ARTPOPGa Kill FameGa Marry, Fuck, Side Chick, Kill; The Walking Dead Edition: Jeffery Dean Morgana (aka Negan) Steven Yeun (aka Glenn) Andrew Lincoln (aka Rick) David Morrissey (aka The Governor)
  7. @Stoop Kid get on this game ****since Kevin messed up I'll do the once he skipped but didn't fix He used to call me D.I. That stood for destiny's incontrovertible He used to call me D.K. That stood for I'm daddydom420-on-kik
  8. Kill: Natalia Kills Fuck: Rebecca Black Marry: Courtney Love
  9. obese folks and folks over the age of 50 should watch their health!?!? WHAT KIND OF ICONIC PREDICTIONS!!!
  10. He used to call me DI That stood for D.I.-the-awesome-punk-band-you-fucking-peasants
  11. Kill: Drew Barrymore Fuck: Ashley Tisdale Marry Uma Thurman KFM: Madonna, Jane Fonda, Lady Gaga
  12. of course
  13. Kill: 50 Cent Fuck: Snoop Dogg (all that free weed tbh) Marry: Jay-Z (obviously for money and Beyonce becoming my maid) KFM: trayertrash, Mitch, Countess
  14. kill Katy fuck Beyonce marry (the night) Gaga KFM: Steve Martin, Pauly Shore, Rodney Dangerfiel
  15. Jane Fonda should've won.
  16. I was on a Skype call with a friend when he told me. It didn't really hit me until a few hours ago
  17. My heart hurts.
  18. Happy birthday
  19. Where's Iron Maiden and Slayer? Please don't be metalphobic. BUT YES TO MADONNA AND MILEY
  20. Although I am grateful to be awarded by my peers, I must say that "fat" is a very triggering word used by bullies. Tampons are unsafe therefore I use menstrual cups, sea sponges and reusable pads. "Craziest" is an ableist term and "fag" is offensive towards folks who do not identify as heterosexual. Please use less damaging awards in the future.  

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Is using the word "folks" a thing that all SJW's do now? :stretcher: 

    3. trayertrash


      is it? because it's a work I use since I'm from the south :stretcher:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Idk, but for some reason I've never seen you use the word unless you're playing your Queen of Tumblr character. :shocked: 

  21. I know you're not talking about me because I'm pretty af
  22. The difference is that consenting adults can act out a gang rape fantasy, view porn based around their fantasy that's legal and consensual without actually wanting or needing to rape someone. It's the same idea of bdsm - you can want to do certain things to your partner and enjoy it because it's fun and consensual for the both of you, but you don't necessarily want to go around tying people up and raping them... Child exploitation though? No. There's no way around it. A child will always have to have been sexually abused and exploited for that porn to be there. A child will have to undergo sexual abuse. There is no consent. There's no way to get pornographic images of children without abuse. To me, y'all are saying it's okay for someone to take my daughter, take nude pictures of her, molest and rape her in order for someone to have shit to jerk off to.
  23. I can't with y'all thinking someone viewing child exploitation is hot...
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