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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. OH. MY. GOD. @VisKip Where on rutracker was it? Was it recent? If so there should still be seeders and I neeeeeeed it!
  2. If he treated you like that before your accident it means he's just going to go back to that behavior. Being great to you during a rough time doesn't make up for that and honestly, you should put your happiness first. If he isn't willing to work on things or to put you first then dump his ass
  3. hashtag notallwhitepeople
  4. Dear white people - ya’ll had the NERVE to invade 90% of the earth, slaughter and enslave people over spices but still don't know how to season your fucking food.
  5. Daily reminder: (no shade @ART DECO) but I LOVE YOU ALL!!!  (okay except a few of you. I won't say who, but you know who you are. I hope you experience anal leakage the next time you're in a crowded area or getting rimmed) 

  6. I've surprisingly condensed my forums down from 14 to 2 in the past year. How the hell was I able to be regularly active on all of them?
  7. You say that as you're talking to me
  8. I assume everyone is a guy too. Out of all the forums I've been on in the past 4 years I think I've talked to maybe 5 girls?
  9. Someone called me 'crusty' earlier (whatever that means) when I was in line at Wawa to buy some candy but their lips were crusty and I wanted to shove their face on the chapstick display. She, don't be sexist
  10. I was reading through the thread and saw it and I was like wow... someone didn't like by buddy?
  11. I know who you're talking about and they're one of my best friends
  12. we need this as an emoticon
  13. I can't get you the songs, buuuut if you're talking about the 'uploaded pictures' section then just click on the bottom right of the image and it should delete from there and your signature (I hope that's what you were talking about )
  14. Hey everyone, let's not be rude here. If you're having an issue talk it out calmly or just ignore each other please. #StopTheDrama #StartTheMusic
  15. Will this feud win Drama Of The Year at the 2016 PHF Rewind Awards or will 'An Open Letter to Jay' take the crown? Please stayed tuned at pophatesflops.com (your #1 choice for everything pop culture!) and remember to vote for trayertrash - your forum goddess, favorite sloth lover your #1 choice for future mod.
  16. someone better record them in hq!
  17. Well, if we're basing it on the comic, we're only on issue 100 out of the 153 released so far. So I'd say it'll send around 2091. Also, it's better to watch it weekly. It heightens the intensity and love for characters.
  18. I'll put on a strap-on and you can call me daddy
  19. I didn't see your comment Uploaded
  20. uploaded
  21. @8***x***8 @evilentity everythings uploaded :D Elle King and Civil wars only have one session downloadable and St. Vincent's isn't at all, but I can try to get them if you're okay with it 128 kbps. I also grabbed Cris Kirkwood since you had Meat Puppets on the list.
  22. highest quality is 320 and I'll let you know when I have everything uploaded
  23. uploaded
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