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Everything posted by trayertrash

  1. @FeralHeart I see you're reading this interview - what did you think?
  2. Aqua - Barbie Girl vs Xtina - Genie In A Bottle
  3. Here's me and 3 sloths (I gave the small one in the middle to my best ) (ignore the pillow with the case halfway off) (and my wall) (and my face)
  4. I'm not a graphic artist by any means, but I'm thinking of organizing my Lana library again so here are some covers I made (picmonkey wouldn't let me change the font, so enjoy the Kylie goodies) Random Stuff
  5. SAME!!!! I've listened to everything (minus a few recent leaks) and I just don't get it. But Sanctuary is a mild bop
  6. Bringing this thread back to life
  7. fixed it for you
  8. The concept of monogamy began with centuries of misogynistic and religious bullshit. It was created to view women as property. Even in the bible men could have multiple wives but the woman could only be married to one man. The concepts and roles of monogamy have changed over the years, but the basic general principals of possessiveness and ownership are still alive. To think anyone has the right to control and "own" a person until they die is barbaric imo. Toxic hypocritical relationships are fucking awful and I wish nothing but a safe and healthy breakup for the victim. I've been in several threesomes and it's something I enjoy from time to time, but not something I need to be sexually fulfilled. It's something that's not for everyone and you should only participate if you're really interested. I understand the concept of wanting to be with one person your whole life. I adore the idealistic view of having a "one true love" but in reality, one person can't fulfill you, it's impossible. That's why people have friends and family. You need support from more than one person. You need different perspectives and different sorts of love and caring. I think even emotional polygamy is great. Having someone who's more than a friend but less than a lover is such a great balance, at least for me. There's things that are extremely important to me (like politics and music) that I'll never be able to discuss with my husband. Having someone else who can understand my point of view, share theirs, learn from each other, help each other grow, share constant moments of loves and happiness - it's perfect for me. Btw, if you do chose to be monogamous that's great for you and I'm in no way against monogamy as a whole. Do whatever works for you but you should also respect basic natural instincts and not be a bitter jealous ass hole.
  9. Topic #2 Monogamy, Polygamy & Porn I think in general monogamy is unrealistic and the idea that it's the only right way to have a relationship needs to vanish. If people were truly monogamist they wouldn't look, flirt or cheat and the consensual sex industry wouldn't exist. I think a majority of people have sexual attractions and desires towards other people outside of their partner. Pretending those attractive and desires don't exist is ridiculous. Even if you don't want to have sex with anyone else you should be able to say "I think this person is attractive" without it being a huge fucking deal. I don't understand the obsession with women hating porn. So what if your partner watches it? If all you had to eat was pizza for the next 50 years you'd look at other foods. It doesn't mean you hate pizza, just that other things appeal to you as well. People who don't want their partners watching porn, jerking off but also withhold sex for their personal gain are gross. (Not that you should have sex whenever your partner wants it, but people who are like "I won't have sex until you buy me this" ... just... no... unless it's a thing you enjoy or whatever, then that's chill, I don't [kink] shame) Jealousy in relationships is fucking stupid. Your partner might look at someone for 2 seconds but at the end of the day they're still with you. The amount of women in particular that I know who will talk about how hot guys are when they're around their friends but fight with their partners for just assuming they looked at someone else is controlling, hypocritical, deceitful and emotionally abusive. Also, accepting your partner loving more than just you is a strong and beautiful experience. Polyamory without jealousy is beautiful and brings out the best in everyone involved. I've had the most loving, caring and incredible person I've ever known come into my life because of it. I'm a better person because of them. I wish everyone in the world that level of love, trust, respect and caring, even if monogamy is the right choice for you.
  10. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  11. Hi

    Submit questions please http://www.pophatesflops.com/topic/16869-interview-questions

    and participate in the PHF Mixtape http://www.pophatesflops.com/topic/16776-phf-mixtape/

    thanks bye 



    1. Cypher



  12. It's no different than white people getting a tan. They aren't trying to erase their whiteness, just doing what they want to their bodies. Let her do her thing It's not like any of us give a shit anyway
  13. As many of you know, we're starting to reach out to artists for interviews. So far Alexz Johnson, AURORA, The Edge Of Paradise have agreed to do interviews with us, as well as Neon Hitch, whom we're doing a follow up interview with. Since many of you are fans, I thought it would be great to send in some of your questions! Just comment below who the questions are for and, depending on the number of responses, your question may be in the interview! All except AURORA have stated they're interesting in doing an in-depth interview (AURORA's team hasn't gotten back to me since they said they'll do the interview) I'll be sending the emails Saturday, so please have them in by Friday.
  14. This week's theme was chosen by @Hawks Burning Desire - seductive and sensuous songs you can listen to when thinking, dreaming or trying to get attention of that one special person. Message me your song choice by Friday ~don't pick Burning Desire by Lana since that's a given ~if anyone would like to create a cover please let me know
  15. Thank you I'm actually really good friends with @Stoop Kid so it was hard for me to not just say "THIS IS MY BESTIE AND Y'ALL BETTER GO READ HIS POEMS YOU LITTLE SHT" I'm actually really enjoying interviewing people
  16. read your message or I'm banning you :morning:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cypher


      I'm going through everything I missed over this past weekend! One thing at a time. ;) 

    3. trayertrash


      I'm the most important thing :morning: 

    4. Cypher


      No, I'm the most important.

  17. @Stoop Kid, a well known member of the LanaBoards community (AKA Vinny Vidi Vici, SUNÐÅNCE KIÐ, SUNDANCEKID, SOFTSERVEKID, Daji and indianlovecall) is a New York born and raised poet. From the age of 11, he's felt a calling towards poetry. Since them, he has spent the past 13 years charming people around the world with his exquisitely crafted words and has recently been a featured poet on AllPoetry. Today I'm here to discover the man behind the Stoop... Let's start at the beginning. What was the first poem you remember writing on your own? Oh, fuck. You know what? I don't remember how it goes, really, but I do remember writing my first poem in third grade for some handbook assignment. For the record, it was a fucking terrible poem. Was there a moment when you realized that writing was something you had the ability to do well? I think I started to notice it when I began role-playing at a literate level on GaiaOnline, honestly. So that was probably back in my Junior year of high school. I didn't have my own account at that time because I had lost access to my older accounts, but I had a friend who also used Gaia that would ask me to keep up with some roleplays she would partake in if she got too busy to follow up with them. I would get involved in a few role-plays with a group of people, and we would all come together and challenge each other to grow as writers while creating stimulating, entertaining stories. I like to look back on a lot of them every once in a while. They were fucking awesome. I had come back into the community since then, though I haven't really found too many roleplays I'd enjoy. Do you carefully choose the next words of your poems or do you let the words flow freely? Do you often edit your poems, or do you keep them in more of a raw state? I have edited only maybe one or two of my poems since I started writing again two years ago. I find that I run into a problem editing where, eventually, I lose touch with the poem because it becomes stripped of its original sentiments. Back in high school, I didn't really have a voice as a poet; I became so focused on trying to fit standard structure and trying to be very Shakespearean-as-fuck with my words, that my poetry was just so false. I only wrote two poems back then, notwithstanding some lyrics that I had written around those years. They sucked. All of it did, haha. So now when I write, I let the words come to me as they do, I feel more honest to my work in that way. Do you have a routine you follow? When I write, I usually try to limit my time on a poem between fifteen-to-thirty minutes. For me, my reaction to the muse is the most raw in that time-frame. I never create the title util after the poem; very seldom will my titles be intended as the beginning of the poem, rather serving as an afterthought. Do you feel that inspiration comes to you naturally or do you seek it out? I never really seek out my inspiration, only because I start to idealize how I'd like to come upon it. So I let it come to me naturally. Sometimes, I'll just experience a stream of consciousness, and a thought or sentiment I am having, will strongly stand out to me. That's often the place where most of my work manifests. I'll throw the line in the first draft, and in no particular order, build the poem around it, letting it fall wherever it seems right for it to. We first met as Lana Del Rey fans. Do you feel her music, or music in general, has impacted your creativity? Absolutely. In music and literature, especially, my creativity has always been really impressionable in regards to the artists and writers that inspire me. Twain, Lana, Nicole Dollanganger, Dear Euphoria, Sucré, Oscar & the Wolf, Mogwai, and Angus Stone, to name a few artists/bands, have helped me find my own voice as a writer. The works of Frank O'Hara, and Robert Plath, especially, impacted me. Robert was actually a student of Allen Ginsberg's, and I took Robert's Creative Writing course in college two years ago. The man's work is fucking phenomenal. Very honest and beautifully unsettling. Had it not been for studying under him, I do not think I would have become so involved in writing again after high school. I am so grateful to know that guy. What do you consider to be your greatest poem? I love and take pride in pretty much all the poems I have written in the past few years, for so many reasons. However, if there is one poem I am the most proud of, it has to be 'Zombies in Snapbacks'. What was the inspiration behind it? I have this friend that I have been fond of for a few years now. Two years ago, he had came over for a Halloween party I was throwing. I dressed him up like a zombie; I went all out with the make-up and fake blood, I even let him wear my favorite Tom & Jerry snapback to add the finishing touch. He looked adorably fucking disgusting. That whole night, I just really couldn't get over him. He is such a calm, easygoing, warm person. Not to mention really fucking handsome. So every time I would look at him, I was just buckling at my fucking knees and hiding my face. It really became apparent to me back then how much I liked him. That was around the same time I was taking Robert's class, and one day, I was just thinking about my friend, and it just struck me on such an emotional level, that I just had to write about him. Next thing I knew, 'Zombies in Snapbacks' happened. That poem is actually the poem that started all of this. I have written about other men in my life from time to time, but he is such an exception from them; he is still one of my greatest muses, though I never told him that, let alone told him how I felt. He still doesn't know this poem exists, and as much as I want to, I don't have the moxie to. Fuck it, though. I had to answer this question honestly, because I don't really talk about that piece as much as I would like to. It deserves to be read. What do you consider to be your greatest failure? I think my greatest failure probably has to be being too timid to challenge the fears that keep me from doing the things I want to most, especially in romance. I was always worried the worst thing could happen, so I found safety in silence. How has that changed your writing? It has made writing become a means to, I suppose, give myself that second chance to redeem myself for my lack of speaking upon my affections. I get to give these untold love stories a shot at being heard. I get to give myself a shot at being heard. Has there been one heartbreak or death that's changed you as, not only a writer, but a person? I mean, there have been many experiences of death and heartbreak that have shaped me as a person. I don't know if I can weigh the significance of one over the other. Both death and heartbreak taught me, to quote a video game I played quite a few years ago, that "it is the impermanence of things that makes them truly beautiful." I have come to accept the mortal nature of our existence, while remembering that the finite things, the finite lovers, are often immortalized as soon as they struck us in such a way that, even after they are long gone, they still pass our minds and stir up that warm feeling again. Why poetry? You know, I never really figured out why I got so invested in painting my world through poetry rather than, say, in memoirs or other forms or literature. It just kind of happened, and before I knew it, I was collecting all these memories and sentiments in more and more poetry. Comparisons to others comes easy, but do you ever compare your new works to past works? Personally, everything I wrote before high school, I try to forget about just because it is all so fucking embarrassing, haha. In that way, I compare my work then-and-now. But as far as the work I have done in the past two years go, I don't really compare them to each other. Even though a lot of them share the same emotions, each poem is as unique as a fingerprint in how they can translate that feeling. What was the most difficult thing you've written - poetry or otherwise? The most difficult thing I have written... Honestly, the roleplays on GaiaOnline have always been the most challenging. When you work with a community of writers with whom you share a level of literary prowess with, especially writers who are much more advanced than you, you challenge yourself to meet that consistency when telling a story while ensuring that you do not forget your own style. In your opinion, what makes a poem "good"? To me, what makes a poem "good," is that the poet sees it as good. When I was in night school my senior year, my class was given a project: to build benches for the courtyard of the school. I forgot his name, but a volunteer artist/carpenter mentored us. I wish I hadn't forgotten his name, because he had been such an influence on me as well. Anyway, our first workshop with him, he said that the first rule of art, is that there are no rules in art. Nothing validates or invalidates the quality of art, because art is subjective. I love all my poems, but I am sure I have made people roll their eyes a few times with my work. Even so, I never think much about my audience when I write. It is amazing and overwhelmingly touching when people relate to my poems and love them strongly, but I write because I have to. Is there creative medium you would like to pursue but haven't tried yet? I have always wanted to get more involved in photography, but I have no idea where to start, haha. One day, I want to develop a video game. I already have a few series in mind, all I need is a team, haha. Describe your writing in three words. Corny and honest. Where do you see your poetry five, ten and twenty years from now? I never was one to think about the future, but if I had to give at least an idea, I'd want my poetry to be in a good place; still honest to who I am as a person. Getting a few books published would be fucking gnarly. Stoop Kid After Dark Here are some questions submitted by PHF users. I am already scared. Top or bottom? OH MY GOD... ... Bottom. How many times do you masturbate in a day? Enough. Where do you like to cum? Wherever requires the least cleaning up. Did you buy Cum Cake on iTunes? iWho? Condom or bareback? Depends on the person. Daddies or twinks? Oh, daddies. Speed Round: This or That? Madonna or Gaga? You can't ask me, "'Like a Virgin' or 'Summerboy'?" I am not a really big fan of either of them, but I do love quite a few of their songs. Shania or Taylor? SHANIA. George Strait or Hank Williams? Hank Williams. Heavy Metal or Blues? Blues. Modern or Classic Country? Depends on the artist. Dolly or Reba? THAT IS NOT A FAIR QUESTION. NOT ANSWERING. Northern or Southern? I do love Southern Hospitality. Sweet Tea or Lemonade? Lemonade, are you kidding? Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset. #PopHatesFlops or Google? The library... Thank you so much for doing this interview. Are there any final words you'd like to say to our readers? Take a bath every once in a while. You are all filthy. Do the best you know how. If you have a beard, call me. For more information on Stoop Kid and to check out his poetry please check out his account on AllPoetry, his Facebook and his Instagram.
  18. you can talk about it in this tread - I just wanted everyone's submissions to be private so everyone could enjoy the mixtape as a surprise
  19. one song had 6 votes for it within a few minutes after I posted the link, I'm not here for people being little shits
  20. This weeks mixtape is ready to download! Thanks to @low kii savage for making the cover! If you're going to ruin the contest within minutes of me posting, then there won't be one. Thanks for being a little shit
  21. I get that and I do hope her support is sincere. It still feels like she's ignorant to a lot of the issues if she truly believes Trump and Cruz would be good of the lgbt community And I'm not disagreeing that it's easier for cis-passing folks to get by in society, but it felt like she was sympathizing with transphobes by validating their comfort levels.
  22. I don't see how "I'm a traditionalist. I'm older than most people in the audience. I kind of like tradition, and it's always been a man and a woman" or “I think it’s much easier for a trans woman or a trans man who authentically kind of looks and plays the role. So what I call my presentation. I try to take that seriously. I think it puts people at ease. If you’re out there and, to be honest with you, if you look like a man in a dress, it makes people uncomfortable” can be taken out of context. I know she's said she's changed her stance on marriage, but idk, so much about her support for the lgbq community seems fake in a way? I hope it's sincere, I truly do, but I can't trust the authenticity of her support if she truly believes Trump and Cruz would be great for the lgbt+ community. To me, it just shows a lot of her ignorance towards the real world. And the 'man in a dress' comment really didn't seem like a joke tbh. It was a huge slap in the face to people who aren't cis-passing. With her being a 'traditionalist' I think she was stating a very real feeling people have towards trans/non-binary people.
  23. He was against trans women participating in Miss America for years then when one finally made it, he mocked her name and transition When discussing the lgbt community he said " I am a traditionalist" - when is republican for "I won't kill a gay person if they can make me money, but I in no way support their rights" "I bet you make a great wife. But just a great wife. Not a businesswoman and a wife — that doesn’t exist, obviously." "“It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.” When discussing trans bathroom rights “I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision" Supports the FADA, which would allow government workers to deny marriage licenses if it's against their religion Doesn't support same sex marriage/domestic partnership benefits if they're lgbt. He said we would appoint judges to reverse the marriage equality ruling "I'm not in favor of gay marriage. They should not be able to marry." "I just don't feel good about it. I don't feel right about it. I'm against it. I'm opposed to gay marriage." He misgendered Caitlyn. He said America is going to hell because of a NFL player kissing his boyfriend. “There can be no discrimination against gays (literally 2 seconds later) I’m against gay marriage.” Let's not forget his sexist attacks on Rose O'Donnell When discussing rape within the military "What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" "Joking" about Megyn Kelly being on her period because she spoke back to him. The past year of bullshit he's given Hilary Clinton. He slut shamed Angelina Jolie HE TRIED TO COME FOR CHER But considering Caitlyn herself isn't in full support of marriage equality, has issues with trans being apart of the lgbt+ acronym, has issues with non-passing trans folks, hates the poor and thinks she's god's gift to the world, it really doesn't shock me that she supports him. She's a conceited sack of shit and I can't believe a year ago I was rooting for her
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