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trayertrash last won the day on August 10 2018

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About trayertrash

  • Birthday 04/23/1990

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  1. I hate how @Countess is completely ignoring the fact that it's the first day of Hanukkah yet he's only promoting Christmas. The level of disrespect from him is devastating :'(

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      If @trayertrash was more cultured and less discriminatory, she would know that the PHF holiday celebrations are centred around the Wiccan holiday of Yule, which all other December holidays stem from! One day I hope that modern society, the pinnacle of which Ashley exudes, will be more accepting of alternate lifestyles. :'(

    2. trayertrash


      @Countess I am fully aware of the PAGAN holiday Yule which the Wiccans stole. Please educate yourself on the differences between paganism and Wiccanism. If you're going to celebrate historical traditions, please remove the Santa hats as they are a modern representation of the most dangerous religious group the world has ever known, Christianity. #WhereTheFuckIsMyMenorah #JustceForMyAncestors 

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