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Everything posted by Charlie91xo

  1. If she is, it will probably be another session that we will never hear
  2. Finally got tickets to see Melanie! The last UK dates sold out before I managed to get tickets. Thank the Goddess* for pre-sales *Heidi Montag
  3. Bloody hell I didn't expect anything from her after the way her last album release was handled Hope she gets a new album out asap. Love love love BIBO though
  4. I loved the stuff she was doing with xenomania, the covers look great
  5. She was literally on for seconds and, unless I missed it, mentioned nothing about her own career
  6. Yes this sounds amazing. I saw a play years ago about bette & joan, I love their story
  7. I can see why people are losing interest. 8 years later and still no album and songs released so few and far between. Obviously I know this is all out of her control but it really is frustrating. I'd love to hear the last few songs from her Xenomania days (which I doubt will ever leave the xenomania vaults!) Otherwise, her Toy Boys era songs were the best. I feel Eden xo is over and really, I never got the name change to begin with
  8. Heidi is my queen
  9. Yay new melanie Thanks for sharing
  10. Naomi is my favorite this season too at the moment. I love watching Derrick but I don't think he will win. Acid Betty can GTFO
  11. Absolutely. There has to be some physical attraction there.
  12. Charlie91xo


    I agree Nutella is 100% NOT Cher Lloyd.
  13. yes i'm ready to see Gabriella back on my TV
  14. I'm not convinced it's true but we will see!
  15. breathe on me is everything
  16. Ocarina of Time 3D was so good. I just picked up majora's mask
  17. Here for new Kesha music but that band name...
  18. I loved this season! I thought it was really funny I liked most of the end too except the very last few seconds Other than that I liked the reveal and how they showed what happened to the characters
  19. Since Neon took our money and ran I've lost all hope...
  20. Still waiting for Heidi Montag to drop a second album and save pop
  21. I heard something along the lines of one character will the go into season 2, then a character from s2 will go into 3 and so forth.
  22. I fucking love this show so far. It's really funny. Better than I expected. Jamie Lee Curtis is as perfect as always. Emma Roberts is great as Poppy Moore 2. The deaf taylor swift is hilarious. Can't get enough of it at the moment. I hope it keeps up as I've seen too many great shows go downhill quickly
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