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Everything posted by Charlie91xo

  1. I'm an entire season behind on RHONJ but that is my favorite. i can't believe they got Danielle back ?
  2. what a mess...
  3. Finally got my hands on a physical copy of Moonbaby album sampler <3 

  4. Well... once I saw somebody with Cher Lloyd's face tattooed on the top of their arm. It looked horrendous (only resembled her rather than looked like her) ??
  5. I know somebody who had similar things going on with her sister. She ended up being chased by the police, wouldn't stop because she thought they were spies trying to shoot her tyres. she ended up being taken into hospital and diagnosed with bipolar. it was a bit of a struggle to get the medication right but shes been doing a lot better
  6. I hope you feel better soon, it seems the shit all comes at once but hopefully that's it all done with now. sending love ❤️
  7. Gravity Falls Star vs the Forces of Evil And I have to admit I love watching Elena of Avalor & Tangled the Series with my niece
  8. I loved the original 4 games but I never played any after that until the recent reboot. Loved Tomb Raider and I only just got round to buying rise of the tomb raider this year, i'm enjoying it so far but yes it is a bit slow to get going
  9. I find her incredibly underwhelming this era. It started strong with CTTR which I loved straight away (slightly over played on the radio now though!) after that its downhill from there. i loved her previous albums especially teenage dream so i have been a fan but I'm just really unimpressed this era. plus I find her really embarrassing to watch at the moment ?
  10. Valentina was my number one I'm sad she went Underwhelmed by the rest tbh but I guess Trinity is my new favorite...
  11. Give me a few mins
  12. I can't deal with her screaming her way through the Perfect Illusion chorus so I would have to say The Cure
  13. DAY 2
  14. 1. a song from the year you were born in
  15. So glad to see the true princess of reality back on my TV screen it's been way too long
  16. Ariana - Dangerous Woman Britney - Glory Sia - This is Acting Tove Lo - Ladywood Cruel Youth - 30mg Top 5 in order.
  17. I love season 2 so far. I'm glad they dropped the boring blonde girl from season 1.
  18. They broke up. I know Myah has been working on a new solo project. Royal is still working with her but she said "Laze sucks" so I guess that has something to do with it, Anyway this show looks fun but I have so much I'm watching at the moment theres never enough time!
  19. Yes it was a slight over reaction but people can't just do whatever they feel like to celebrities; they're people too.
  20. I used to be obsessed with Halo from One Tree Hill
  21. yeah I can rip the CD but unfortunately it's just one long track/interview with a couple of clips here and there. Give me a few days though because I just got back from vacation so things are hectic
  22. No Sleep Remix Playfight (?) Boxers Waterfall The One (?) Shout The ones I marked with a ? i'm not sure if they leaked. Also just a side note, I've seen Eyes Close being tagged as a Jessie Malakouti track quite a bit but it was one of the songs on the Jessie and the Toy Boys website when it first went live along with key to the city, hitman and like you better.
  23. Yes!!! Ths was the BEST Ya lil nasty!
  24. My niece would love this perfume...but they're not selling to the UK yet
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