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Everything posted by Charlie91xo

  1. Looking forward to the full thing although I must admit it's not quite what I was expecting it to start like lol
  2. So silly... SMH Oh well, her new cover is the best one yet.
  3. Oh ok thank you, I'll give it a miss then. I used to like the different games they released for the movies and the quidditch one was fun too. I can see this new movie being a good basis for a game version
  4. Haha! I loved the character of Bellatrix! Thought she was pretty interesting and Helena Bonham Carter was fab Hardest death has to be Dobby! I thought Fred's death could've been a bit more dramatic though. Tempted to get the book of spells for the ps3 but I haven't hear much about it. Anyone know if it's worth getting?
  5. Finished the harry potter films! I like how they got a bit more mature and darker as they went on.
  6. She's always had the best music. I still listen to dignity regularly do bring it on!
  7. I'm not sure what happened with prospect but things got really slow with them so I'm glad she's moved on. They never even put her last couple of singles on iTunes which I find strange. I guess we probably won't hear them unless they released the tracks with her but at the rate things were going, we weren't gonna get them anyway
  8. Jessie signed with Virgin yesterday! Hopefully they give her the support and promo she needs/deserves. She's such a sweetheart and worked so hard, I hope she does well under the new label.
  9. I know I'm curious to read them! Annoying thing I'd I bought them all but threw them out recently as I thought I'd never read them
  10. I'm doing well! Up to half-blood prince and I'm actually enjoying them. I don't think I ever saw past the 3rd one.
  11. The last one is best!!! No I like the original deluxe one best so I'll try and find that one. Although in the UK we will probably just get one version anyway
  12. Not a huge fan but I like Make Me Wanna Die
  13. I called it months ago
  14. Fix that title; Kimberley Cole is a different flawless person! Everyone knew this anyway though.... dunno why it's only getting attention now
  15. Maybe I should insight watching the Harry Potter series... I don't think I made it past the 5th one
  16. I'd upload them for you but my laptop isn't working right now. All of the tags are different on mine too as I made them all into an extended version of Superficial. Some of her best songs didn't make the album; body language, no more, party's wherever I am to name a few
  17. She is my absolute favourite!!! If I could only have one album for the rest of my life it would be hers, Click isn't actually by Heidi & I'm unsure about Bionic. It doesn't sound like her to me but then again, it is overly processed
  18. The new promo got me more excited for this! Looking good
  19. Yeah that's true. They're a pair so I think it should be both or neither. I most want Syrena the mermaid and Philip (from the last movie) to return.
  20. I'm excited too! love these films. Orlando did say he would return if he was offered the role but we will see.
  21. I'm so ready for new music from her. I actually really liked most of Femme Fatale although I'd happily accept Blackout 2.0
  22. The year Heidi Montag released her album I listened to it hundreds of times... in the end I had to reset my play counts as my top 25 were all Heidi. Still love it now though
  23. I'm most looking forward to GTAV . Love those games. I'm not usually one to play first person games but I did just order Dead Island on PS3. Heard some pretty good things! Anybody have a PSN account?
  24. For me, Heidi Montag's Superficial is THE go to album. It's perfect. I could listen to that album for the rest of my life. Although, I do think it's time for her to get a sophomore album out!!
  25. I'm so behind with this series but I'm well into Asylum now. So much better than the first season but I am really looking forward to Coven. I love the concept and the trailer got me super excited
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