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Charlie91xo last won the day on May 6 2018

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About Charlie91xo

  • Birthday 01/16/1991

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  1. I don’t have a download unfortunately, I didn’t make it just found the video. The same person has uploaded a few different ones that sounds great including king of hearts
  2. The alt SOTU is on Spotify already
  3. Was hoping for at least new outtake
  4. Can’t wait to see all of these. The Zootopia series on D+ was a nice little glimpse into the world again but another movie would be great. The last Toy Story was definitely a decline in quality. I still enjoyed it for what it is but I don’t see it as very re-watchable. as for frozen, I’m literally so excited. I loved the first one, loved the second one even more.
  5. I play Fortnite quite a bit but it’s quite buggy this season. just worked my way through resident evil village again with the new DLC 3rd person mode. I also finally played the last of us 2 ready for the tv series. Currently playing fatal frame/project zero 5 remaster on the ps5. I had it on the wii u originally and the use of the game pad was so good for that game.
  6. I've had let there be love for years so did it previously leak? a different version?
  7. How are you all organising her songs at this point please?
  8. Finally we get more!
  9. You can get Slayyyter's albums HERE Signed Slayyyter Mixtape CD Pre-Order signed Troubled Paradise Vinyl I'm waiting to see if she will do a CD for the album rather than Vinyl before I order.
  10. Thank you for sharing
  11. Yes this album was everything back when it came out. I loved it all from start to finish (except big fat bass - def. a skipper!) He about to lose me is still the standout for me. The tour was my only experience seeing Britney live and unfortunately, it was my least favourite concert I have ever been to though.
  12. I'm loving these leaks. I needed a new Hilary album so this works for me
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