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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  1. looks like you won't be busy then yeah right i bet both of you were like "this dumbass" :rofl: jk
  2. a lot of people i know don't like it but i think i am the only one who like girls with like somewhat short hair idk :morning:
  3. but i mean i feel like with her stuffs happening and we don't have another rob on our hands (who honestly has some of the most screen time but has the least amount of stuff happen?!?)
  4. yeah i mean they ain't above decapitating and dismembering people so who knows how dark they'll go with this one
  5. omg 1. i'll miss them now and 2. YOU QUOTED ME WHEN I HAD A GRAMMAR MISTAKE AND NOW I LOOK SUPER DUmmb lol
  7. I honestly like obama a lot, he get's a lot of back lash for things he can't control but i believe he is pretty good president and his humor is A+.
  8. these pics are sooo coooooolll, i love this type of stuff, i'm not entirely sure what happened but i'm sure it's sad lol
  9. i feel weird that i've never heard of the blog lol
  10. OMG WHAT?!?!? out of all the story lines i love her's the most. She's been pushed down her entire life, exiled from her home land and had to deal with an abusive brother, but now that she is on her own and finally given reall power she is rising from the ashes (couldn't resist) and quickly becoming a very strong force that very well could win the game but dat's just me lol
  11. yeah i've always loved witches so I am really excited about this season connie is on a downward spiral with nashville lol yeah she was pretty good in precious but idk how good she would be at playing one of theses roles, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT this makes me think it might be about the LaLaurie's but i might be being racist idk
  12. so um Gabourey Sidibe the women who played "precious" is signed on for season 3 and honestly don't know how i feel about it
  13. okay well now the episodes are starting to pick up but I was so pissed off by the fact the first like 3 episodes nothing happened! and the show can't be overrated because it has this bitch on it :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:
  14. that's what i thought but i felt overwhelmed by the amount of people that like him on here lol
  16. The red lipstick comment was for sure not about her and only her, but i think with the purple lipstick it was definitely about banks! but i do agree with you, these twitter beefs are getting really old
  17. i'm siding with banks on this. I mean not where it went to because that got really bad, really quickly. i feel like rocky's comments where about banks because like bank's lipstick is purple, the one for mac. i mean i really don't think she should have outed rocky even if that's true or not. while it was happening i was like oh shit oh shit, but wasn't another member of the asap crew invovled? i forget who it was but i don't think rocky that tweeted the pic
  18. where did someone on this forum leak it?
  19. I know it's a while away but new information has come out about it so i figured it would be good to post it! that being said here it is: Kathy Bates will be playing a role in the new season and her character will be more devilish then anything she's ever done in the past Francis Conroy Will be in 10 of the 13 episodes The setting will be in New Orleans That being said there is some speculation as to what Bate's character will be. It is believed to be Marie Delphine LaLaurie who used to perform terrible experiments on her slaves in the 1800's Here is a little history of the LaLaurie's I've been on a ghost tour of New Orleans and seen LaLaurie's house and let me say the stories of stuff that was said to have gone down in the house is downright fucked up. Laulaurie was a socialite in the 1800's who owned a mansion in the the french quarter. She used to torture her slaves. It's said that on one slave she broke their arms and legs and let them heal upside down so he walked like a crab. She used to keep her cook chained to the stove, broke one slaves bones so he would fit in a tiny cage, and other fucked up shit.The house is said to be cursed and Nicholas Cage actually owned the house at one point but sold it because to many bad things kept happening to him and his family. That being said it sounds like a great place for season 3 to be set in!
  20. Damn lol
  21. Natalia Kills - Problem (Teaser)
  22. FOR REAL! A while back before that stuff went down i tried listening to iggy's album and that shit was terrible and i agree with all of you unapologetic was terrible
  23. omg not it wasn't a joke i love them their sooo good, i saw them in concert and it was freaking amazing.
  24. I was wondering if you guys listened to this flawless band! their two sisters and I swear I have a religious experience when I listen their music! I think i am going to make a discography post for them! here are some of their videos
  25. OMG DAYFID THANK YOU SO MUCH, can't wait for trouble
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