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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  1. THANK YOU! it was terribly underwhelming.
  2. Awww thanks!!
  3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! it's super good
  4. I personally didn't like it, but other people might like it ... idk lol
  5. Fuck: Amy Winehouse Marry: Gwen Kill: Kendrick Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, and Natalia Kills
  6. everyone else put there's in a spoiler but i didn't so i can feel the judgement
  7. I went with taylor because she's nominated for video of the year for her rip off of lana, but i really dont care for any of them. omfg My thing with nicki is I really liked her when she was featured in songs because she was a really strong female rapper but then like with Pink Friday and stuff she went more poppish and slow in my opinion and i don't really like the type from her atleast. I'm only here for her when she is like she is in "Monster" lol imo
  8. Happy: "Angels Forever, Forever Angels - Lana Del Rey" now even though the song is slow, it just reminds me of a happy time in my life and idk if this makes sense but like just makes me feel like warm inside or something. IDK it just makes me feel warm and reminiscent of a once happy time! Sad: "Saturday Night - Natalia Kills" To me the song is super upbeat but the lyrics are super dark and it just reminds me of someone putting on a fake smile to hide their pain from the world, the song also has empowering parts but i wanna focus on the sad part lol Angry: "Succubi - Azealia Banks" I couldn't pick an angry song with out thinking of azealia banks, Succubi has always been one of my fav tracks by her but when i sing it i get so in the mood and just wanna tell people off and make them cry Tired: "Pawn Shop Blues (Demo) - Lana Del Rey" The song like most lana songs makes me picture someone in really bad part of their life having to sell the things they love just to make ends meet and they are just exhausted with what their life has become. Also, I prefer the demo of this song to the finished because i think the unpolished roughness of it adds so much sorrow to the song. Excited: " Undercover - Selena Gomez" For exciting i took it as what puts me in the mood lol. It just makes me wanna dance and have sex in the back room of a busy club or like in public with the thrill of getting caught Relaxing: "Tahiti Rain Song - CocoRosie" the song itself is actually really calming and the high pitch voice in the song doesn't off put you like it would normally. The song begins with the sound of rain and ends with the sound of a drum beating and the whole song just feels really natural and calm! or maybe i am just full of it idk I HOPE YOU GUYS APPRECIATE HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME TO NOT DO LANA FOR EVERYONE ONE OF THESE
  9. I was just wondering where these artiest rank with the PHF community!! (didn't include lana b/c tbh she ain't annoying lol )
  10. Well i know everyone has probably heard already BUT Prince William and Kate had their baby and they named him Prince George Alexander Louis. The baby was born on July 22 at 4:24 p.m. but wasn't named until a couple days later. Also, he was named after his great grandfather Prince George!
  11. lmao but like Bridesmaids was sooooo good! is mike & molly any good? omg yes you have too it was super funny! and idk i've never watched i might download it today when i do i'll let ya know and i though girls was good, but like a lot of people didn't so i don't want to tell you to AND YOU'LL HATE IT
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh7Cz7ttlrw#ws Melissa McCarthy being the funniest person ever. God i love this women. "The Heat" was super good i recommend everyone to go out and see it.
  13. I just threw up in my mouth
  14. lmao i was like is that too much, but then i was like no it's funny i'm putting it
  16. maybe she'll get skinny again
  17. yes like -9/10 so bad,and i was too i went into it so excited and was really let down but yeah Emma looked amazing.
  18. IT REALLY IS SO CREEPY I DON'T EVEN GET WHY HE IS POPULAR ugh i want to throw :yuck:
  19. [img width=500 height=330]http://25.media.tumblr.com/5d349363778a897db4e754d76cfa71a2/tumblr_mo5s7nY2G71rr21klo1_500.png
  20. I saw it last night and i was so excited for it AND IT WAS SO BORING
  21. i would offer to help but i have no clue what a set is so i'm just going to sit here and be confused and upset by how dumb i am :vacuum:
  22. before the hair flip her face is so scary like it's not even funny
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