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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  2. Um yeah so Lil Debbie had this to say on Miley. I didn't even know she was still relevant tbh
  3. I don't doubt they will though because they're really good at doing it (Sister Jude)
  4. omg right!!! it's such a good show! i home they give emma's character more depth though because like she's just another bitchy teenage girl for me lol
  5. She seriously is a mess tho, like for real. I really sympathize with like both arguments. I guess i understand her getting fed up with the constant hate she's been receiving (all of it is totally warranted though, she dug her own grave) and this just adding on. I also think it's really unprofessional to walk off stage and like not come back on ever. Her actually doing that really confused me because she's always so gun ho to fight with people but like now she just walked away like wut?
  6. Like I completely understand like where Joe Jonas is coming from seeing as sticking up for his friends but he's a little late if he would want to call her out, no? like in an interview she talked about how she liked the song "Come & Get It" and that it was on her ipod (idk how true that is) but that it is a good catchy song that she likes. She just can't get behind the message of the song. Also, her tumblr post basically apologized for what she said about taylor swift:
  7. Well I know like the Nfl Gets charged a fine when stuff happens on it since it's like a nationwide televised event for the whole family, i think it's by the FEC or some shit. She has a valid point tho like about the girls, so the nfl really has no ground to stand on lol AND RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH HER LONG ASS HANDS THEY ARE LIKE LONGER THEN LANA'S right! i'm super excited for this new album!
  8. That was the whole thing like what little climax they had fizzled out into nothing and you were just like uh okay
  9. Madonna's short film "secretprojectrevolution" is going to be released on the 24th. The project is 17-minutes long and she collaborated with Steven Klein on it. Madonna said :
  10. Dumbledore's life story seems soo good like the glimpse we got in the books made it sounds so amazing. and omg that sounds amazing.
  11. GUYS UPDATE: Lorde speaks on her feelings towards lana : And comes back to Chuck (lana's sister) [img width=530 height=378]
  12. Yeah she's old enough to know that what she is doing is dumb but she's still doing it so i am really confused about it AND THIS HOW AZEALIA STARTED WITH ON FIGHT AND WE ALL LOVED HER THEN IT GOT DOWNHILL FAST
  14. :hat: I think she's mainly just so young and immature that she's going to end up biting the hand that feeds her. I'm just hoping she's not a complete idiot and burns all of her bridges like Azealia did. Also, cannot agree anymore with lorde talking out of her ass about things.
  15. So in a couple of interviews when Lorde isn't complaining about being poor, she's been attacking a variety of other musicians. Lorde doesn't mildly shade , like every other artist, she calls people out. One of Lordes favorite target has been the queen: Lana Del Rey. Lorde in two seperate interviews has bad mouthed Lana. In one interview the kiwi singer says :
  16. Omg bitch
  17. [move]TODAY IS MO'S BIRTHDAY[/move] Lady Gaga and I threw you this great birthday party Lana will be making a guest apperance!!! Okay I'm done with that lol. I've been somewhat with phf since the tumblr, then to forum but we really became friends when we started talking on skype and honestly you're awesome and one of the best administrators in the entire world lol. There's a couple times tho that I've been like this towards the forum [img width=500 height=300] [img width=500 height=275] ( the #1perez day ) But overall you've made a fantastic place and you're the best! I hope everyone says their nice things about you now and you get all embarrassed about it because of me [img width=386 height=291] Anyway Happy Birthday Jump Rope Queen! and i'm done rambling ( sorry about being all over the place lol) [img width=500 height=214]
  18. Okay it was just a string oh her tweets that were put together into one tweet but no she didn't shade the fans #myb
  19. SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS LIKE NGL but like i agree with you guys she's really got to be a bit much; didn't she like even shade her fans? idk if that was true but yeah lol
  20. First of all i don't understand why you are being rude to JealousGirl, she was only stating facts that were clear. Now that I got that out of the way, i would just like to say I still have yet to see an ounce of proof of me being rude to you and now that i laid down a solid argument, and you can't attack me back on any of it because it's all the truth so you have resorted to name calling and other childish things. It's true, people might not say "hi" to you when you come on but just because someone doesn't say hi doesn't mean they are rude and if you can't grasp that concept you're going to go through life constantly thinking someone is out to get you. Granted I don't talk to everybody on this site but that doesn't mean I hate them. and i think i should end this as always with me wanting some shred of evidence from you that you can't produce.
  21. It's a little convenient that you can make bold claims but you yourself have nothing to back up anything you say with. like not one instance of me being rude to you because I would like to see where and when that happened because I honestly don't believe I've ever even said anything to you on here...EVER. so how could I have been rude to you? To point out the obvious you should pick a story "You only logged on after you hit 200 members" or "You didn't see it" and run with it because you can't keep contradicting yourself. As for you deflecting, it's pretty obvious. You got back lash for not leaking something you said you would leak for the ,and to quote you, "flop forum" and you want to make yourself into the victim so that the feelings of distaste in EVERYONES mouth goes away because of you not leaking the song. You're trying to save your standing with the people on this forum, which is fine but don't try and throw me under this non-existing bus. Jealous Girl is right your hypocrisy is evident. So thanks for pointing it out girl! Also, Mo can you look for these messages that don't exist to prove my point because I have nothing to hide.
  22. EXCUSE ME?!?! I did nothing of the sort! if anything I defended you to new members who sent PM's to me asking about if I knew what was going on I told them to wait and give you time! How dare you make up fake accusations about me when I don't think we've ever even had a conversation ? I had no problem with you or your leaking of TLOTS I was actually grateful for it because it's such a gem. SO WHY WOULD I SEND YOU HATE. I know you might be going through some rough things in your life and didn't have time to go on an internet forum but it's weird to me that you would have enough time to come on here and make up a lie, All after you had been seen logged on after we hit 200 members and never posted the song. Maybe you're just trying to deflect blame off of yourself because you couldn't keep your word. If I had done something that rude or anything warranted to deserve you making up lies about me I wouldn't be upset, however I have been nothing but friendly to the members of this forum. Actually how about you take a screen shot of the "PM" I supposedly sent to you and post it. pull a "cloud-aura" on me please because I would love to see this message that I never sent.
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