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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  1. If it is cabaret I'm going to be interested to see how they put their sick weird twist all of it, but idk i feel like they would be able to do something cool with vampires or werewolves just as long as they aren't like the sterotypical type of thing
  2. right!! it's weird tho because the last two seasons they stay focused and did what they wanted and it turned out good (except for asylum's aliens????)
  3. I watched this with my friends the other day and it's still just as good :'( it's like a fuckin roller coaster
  4. omg!?!?! like past the new diagon alley and Hogwarts express???? RIGHT it's really fuckin amaing so you should be jealous ( the wands aren't made of wood tho)(I don't think they are)(I might be wrong)(pretty sure it's porcelain or something)
  5. Right! tbh it kinda feels like they changed their minds half way through the season and forgot most of the events and key factors of the beginning of the season (like the killer vagina)
  6. I'm like 90% sure he said it wasn't going to be about a circus :'( but i think he said that it was a good idea that he'll keep in mind for future seasons, and to be honest I was really kinda of happy with the way it ended. Loved Cordelia and everything. Except for the way misty was killed off because fuck them and fuck that entire show. right! this season didn't really have the disturbing scary factor that the seasons before had, and what little it did have fizzled out.
  7. I hate the grammys
  8. more exctied about the lana song than the actual grammys
  9. I don't like slow songs at awards shows, i just want fun upbeat stuff tbh
  10. omg is she?!?! i have a reason to keep watching lol
  11. Does anyone know if lana is even there??? #justiceforlana
  12. does any one know if country music fans even watch the grammys?
  13. I threw up in my mouth
  16. Lol yeah that was all types of bad
  17. ALL TYPES OF EXCITED FOR THIS CAN NOT EVEN EXPLAIN IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I had a scripture class and they said that eve was tricked into doing by satan but adam knew it was wrong but still did it, but idek lol GO WATCH POOLSIDE
  18. I'm giving her a listen and so far she's great!!!
  19. LAWNA LAWNA ain't that the truth. Omg that would be great, but eve isn't the actual reason for original sin so like pinning it on her wouldn't really make sense tho. If my catholic school years serve me right it was actually adam that broke the like agreement with god not eve. Idk if that's what you're referencing tho so i might just sound super dumb
  20. RIGHT!!! i can't tell if it' sgoing to be super trashy in a good way or not
  21. Like omg it was super funny but the "risky" part is what made me loose it
  22. ok but why are there no nudes
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