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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  1. Alright so I painfully have to agree with you guys one this, This season has been super boring. I guess they're still setting up the plot and characters but there really hasn't been a central conflict or anything. It's just sorta like they picked up in the middle of a season and start showing episodes. As for the whole freak show part of it, I would loooooove some elaboration on their characters and such because as of now it really just seems like they're being used as props. Gods and Monsters was fucking amazing tho, Loved that to death. :excited: Also, the scene where the tiniest lady in the world popped out of a pumpkin literally made my heart melt because it was sooooo cute.
  2. sooo wtf when is this happening
  3. Ya'll are a mess this actually sounds pretty good and I'm judging you for your poor taste :morning:
  4. Tbh there's nothing real appealing about updating, most of the updates seem to be physical and no real big strides in cool enhancements. Also, it looks like most of the software stuff is going to be available for everyone. So you're just buying a bigger phone ????
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNVGDZHRJXM#ws I'm interested to see if this turns out to be good or not, They have a pretty good cast so hopefully it'll blow us away!
  6. omg this looks amazing!!!
  7. Yesss and you can do it to the beat of the old Pokemon Rap
  8. The other day while I was enjoying the videos I took while I was at my Lana concert I started thinking about the other concerts I've been to and how much I enjoyed them all. While I've only been to 3 total they were all pretty amazing. Then it got me wondering if everyone's concert experiences were as good as mine. I think everyone would enjoy if you guys told us about your experiences! so get to it Here's my list: CocoRosie - This was the first concert I went to (excluding the areosmith one that I went with my parents with when i was like and it was magical. They're a folk band. The concert was in a small venue so the whole thing was kinda intimate and idk I just remember the speakers shaking the floor but they weren't too loud and it was just amazing. All the songs they played were great, the only compliant I have is that after the show was over one of the singers like peaked her head out of the back door and like I saw her and was walking over to her to ask her to sign something and she closed it before I got there so that was really rude. Florence & the Machine - This show was great, My friend bought the tickets and she bought like actual seats so that was kinda a drag and we were far away but all her songs were amazing and at one point she actually got off the stage and ran around the standing room section and I was PISSED that I wasn't down there. Lana Del Rey - My most recent and favorite. She was amazing and I wasn't that far from the stage and the whole concert was amazing. It was a dream come true to be able to see her live after like 3 years of stanning for her. I found out at the end of the show that there were meet and greets and I was so upset that they were like a secret. It was before UV came out so all she played was West Coast, but I'm still hoping with all the support that she got all over the US that she'll come back soon. Here's a video showing how long the line at the concert actually was : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eaNpPoQfy8#ws
  9. omg the summer anthem of 2014 tbh
  10. YAS PERFECT, omg you can do a play on like the pokeball being a prison!
  11. You should make a song about an abusive relationship with misty tbh PSYOLENCE.
  12. Omg You're name progression practically lana tbh. omg why is the seacow your favorite animal?? tbh psyduck is one kick ass pokemon Is Baby V from a movie ? or like does she call her self that?
  13. Hey guys, We have something in the works! After the disaster of the last radio show we've been a little hesitant but look forward to an announcement coming soon!
  15. Yeah right we all know it's just a typo.
  16. I'm expecting some kick ass remix coming from you tbh
  17. Alright guys, The other day I noticed that we do have some crazy names and some crazy personalities on PHF and it got me interested on how everyone came up with their usernames. I think it would cool to get some insight on the other members of phf! So if you all would be so kind to explain it to us that would be awesome! I'll go first, Of course it's not that surprising but my name is from the Lana song. It was one of the first songs I heard of hers when I first did some digging to find her music and I've loved it since then. With all the new leaks I've come across some other songs that I like more, but it's always gonna hold a special place in my !! Your Turn!
  18. Because like who cares about him anymore if him and his dad aren't getting in trouble?
  19. Hopefully he pulls through this :'( :'(
  20. Not really, but she did say she was sorry! Hopefully she'll release new music and stay out of trouble
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