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Jimmy Gnecco

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Everything posted by Jimmy Gnecco

  1. Here's what some of of the people weighing in are saying!!
  2. Honestly, love how many pillars of the forum we have!! I've been Jimmy Gnecco since day 1!!!
  3. OMG These are soooooo goood The Melanie one is my favorite!!! Do you have a coverlandia account? if not you should totally make one
  4. the unreleased, Soundtracks, Cinematography and then you added the text to the honeymoon one!!!
  5. You only made one silly and even that you just added the text for it!!
  6. Thanks!!! Some of them were from an old masterpost, but were missing some albums and different things so I made some to help tie everything in together!!
  7. Ah!!! Love this thread!!! I just got my Lana collection in order!!! I'm so happy with the way it turned out idk who I should try and tackle next tbh
  8. Not even going to lie, I'm feeling that BN remix!!!
  9. That seal looks so cute, Love it so much
  10. Kathy_Bates !!! I'm pretty active on it if so just snap me if you ever wanna talk
  11. Omg you forgot the best one!!!
  12. This is like pretty good!!! I like a couple of the other songs from Hue better than "Confidential Lovers" but it's still solid!
  13. Have a very Merry Birthday sweetheart!!!
  14. yes baby Love you and miss you!! Have a Very Merry Birthday!!!
  15. Sorry, trash had to be taken out by someone.... And @trayertrash wasn't doing it... Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Listen sweetie I've been friends with Mo since the website was just a tumblr and I am not going to leave just because of an ignorant child!!!!! Also, I have some good news for you I don't just think those about you when we disagree, I believe them 100% of the time!!!!! You keep telling me how I'm not looking at two sides of the story because there isn't one because NO ONE IS SAYING IGGY IS WRONG FOR DEFENDING HERSELF. repeat after me NO ONE. Nicki and Iggy did the same thing. You came in here to make an argument.Also, I love how you refer to these concepts as "elementary" because that's an accurate deception of what level of understanding you have. That's all I'm going to say on this matter because clearly you're not grasping these concepts that are beyond your years!!! Well then maybe you should reevaluate your life because you're STILL pressed over something from a month ago that I was over with, yet, you're calling me childish and ignorant. I don't care how long you've known Mo. You could be his fucking brother. Who gives a fuck? You have self control and you don't know how to use it. But then again, you think I'm childish, here. So, listen sweetie. I'm on this forum, too. I don't really quote you much. If you don't like what I have to say, ignoring is just as much of an option as leaving the forum. Up to you (but you probably don't know how to ignore shit, obviously you don't seem to.) This forum's seen me grow up a lot, you can ask Ashley, Mo, anyone. I've changed a lot about the way I think in the past year to a year and a half that I've been here. If no one is saying Iggy is wrong, then why is the responce to this almost 100% negative? If anything, you should commend her for being a woman in the industry she's in and for standing up for herself, not laughing at the jokes the guy's making. If these concepts are so beyone my years, PLEASE tell me why I'm not the one so upset over an argument from a month ago and why I'm trying to stick up for a female artist who happens to be white and isn't allowed to do it herself? Please tell me why I'm not the one making fun of her for doing absolutely nothing to anyone? Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? You're the only one that keeps bringing up that argument like lmaoooooooo So it seems like you're done? About damn time. Honestly it's like talking to a wall so what's the point?? You get discredited and bring up some completely irrelevant thing to try and keep your weak ass argument going, it's exhausting having to deal with this childness!! AND you think you took out the trash yet your crusty ass hasn't moved. Yeah, I guess I didn't... it took itself out, didn't it? You keep spilling trash when you need to be spilling tea Lol the only trash I'm currently dealing with is you and your misguided opinions :/// Did you just say you can't deal with yourself? lmfao wow really low if you can't deal with your own trashy self lol LMFAO DO YOU KNOW HOW TO READ ?????
  16. Sorry, trash had to be taken out by someone.... And @trayertrash wasn't doing it... Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Listen sweetie I've been friends with Mo since the website was just a tumblr and I am not going to leave just because of an ignorant child!!!!! Also, I have some good news for you I don't just think those about you when we disagree, I believe them 100% of the time!!!!! You keep telling me how I'm not looking at two sides of the story because there isn't one because NO ONE IS SAYING IGGY IS WRONG FOR DEFENDING HERSELF. repeat after me NO ONE. Nicki and Iggy did the same thing. You came in here to make an argument.Also, I love how you refer to these concepts as "elementary" because that's an accurate deception of what level of understanding you have. That's all I'm going to say on this matter because clearly you're not grasping these concepts that are beyond your years!!! Well then maybe you should reevaluate your life because you're STILL pressed over something from a month ago that I was over with, yet, you're calling me childish and ignorant. I don't care how long you've known Mo. You could be his fucking brother. Who gives a fuck? You have self control and you don't know how to use it. But then again, you think I'm childish, here. So, listen sweetie. I'm on this forum, too. I don't really quote you much. If you don't like what I have to say, ignoring is just as much of an option as leaving the forum. Up to you (but you probably don't know how to ignore shit, obviously you don't seem to.) This forum's seen me grow up a lot, you can ask Ashley, Mo, anyone. I've changed a lot about the way I think in the past year to a year and a half that I've been here. If no one is saying Iggy is wrong, then why is the responce to this almost 100% negative? If anything, you should commend her for being a woman in the industry she's in and for standing up for herself, not laughing at the jokes the guy's making. If these concepts are so beyone my years, PLEASE tell me why I'm not the one so upset over an argument from a month ago and why I'm trying to stick up for a female artist who happens to be white and isn't allowed to do it herself? Please tell me why I'm not the one making fun of her for doing absolutely nothing to anyone? Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? You're the only one that keeps bringing up that argument like lmaoooooooo So it seems like you're done? About damn time. Honestly it's like talking to a wall so what's the point?? You get discredited and bring up some completely irrelevant thing to try and keep your weak ass argument going, it's exhausting having to deal with this childness!! AND you think you took out the trash yet your crusty ass hasn't moved. Yeah, I guess I didn't... it took itself out, didn't it? You keep spilling trash when you need to be spilling tea Lol the only trash I'm currently dealing with is you and your misguided opinions :///
  17. Sorry, trash had to be taken out by someone.... And @trayertrash wasn't doing it... Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Listen sweetie I've been friends with Mo since the website was just a tumblr and I am not going to leave just because of an ignorant child!!!!! Also, I have some good news for you I don't just think those about you when we disagree, I believe them 100% of the time!!!!! You keep telling me how I'm not looking at two sides of the story because there isn't one because NO ONE IS SAYING IGGY IS WRONG FOR DEFENDING HERSELF. repeat after me NO ONE. Nicki and Iggy did the same thing. You came in here to make an argument.Also, I love how you refer to these concepts as "elementary" because that's an accurate deception of what level of understanding you have. That's all I'm going to say on this matter because clearly you're not grasping these concepts that are beyond your years!!! Well then maybe you should reevaluate your life because you're STILL pressed over something from a month ago that I was over with, yet, you're calling me childish and ignorant. I don't care how long you've known Mo. You could be his fucking brother. Who gives a fuck? You have self control and you don't know how to use it. But then again, you think I'm childish, here. So, listen sweetie. I'm on this forum, too. I don't really quote you much. If you don't like what I have to say, ignoring is just as much of an option as leaving the forum. Up to you (but you probably don't know how to ignore shit, obviously you don't seem to.) This forum's seen me grow up a lot, you can ask Ashley, Mo, anyone. I've changed a lot about the way I think in the past year to a year and a half that I've been here. If no one is saying Iggy is wrong, then why is the responce to this almost 100% negative? If anything, you should commend her for being a woman in the industry she's in and for standing up for herself, not laughing at the jokes the guy's making. If these concepts are so beyone my years, PLEASE tell me why I'm not the one so upset over an argument from a month ago and why I'm trying to stick up for a female artist who happens to be white and isn't allowed to do it herself? Please tell me why I'm not the one making fun of her for doing absolutely nothing to anyone? Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? You're the only one that keeps bringing up that argument like lmaoooooooo So it seems like you're done? About damn time. Honestly it's like talking to a wall so what's the point?? You get discredited and bring up some completely irrelevant thing to try and keep your weak ass argument going, it's exhausting having to deal with this childness!! AND you think you took out the trash yet your crusty ass hasn't moved.
  18. By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Listen sweetie I've been friends with Mo since the website was just a tumblr and I am not going to leave just because of an ignorant child!!!!! Also, I have some good news for you I don't just think those about you when we disagree, I believe them 100% of the time!!!!! You keep telling me how I'm not looking at two sides of the story because there isn't one because NO ONE IS SAYING IGGY IS WRONG FOR DEFENDING HERSELF. repeat after me NO ONE. Nicki and Iggy did the same thing. You came in here to make an argument.Also, I love how you refer to these concepts as "elementary" because that's an accurate deception of what level of understanding you have. That's all I'm going to say on this matter because clearly you're not grasping these concepts that are beyond your years!!! Well then maybe you should reevaluate your life because you're STILL pressed over something from a month ago that I was over with, yet, you're calling me childish and ignorant. I don't care how long you've known Mo. You could be his fucking brother. Who gives a fuck? You have self control and you don't know how to use it. But then again, you think I'm childish, here. So, listen sweetie. I'm on this forum, too. I don't really quote you much. If you don't like what I have to say, ignoring is just as much of an option as leaving the forum. Up to you (but you probably don't know how to ignore shit, obviously you don't seem to.) This forum's seen me grow up a lot, you can ask Ashley, Mo, anyone. I've changed a lot about the way I think in the past year to a year and a half that I've been here. If no one is saying Iggy is wrong, then why is the responce to this almost 100% negative? If anything, you should commend her for being a woman in the industry she's in and for standing up for herself, not laughing at the jokes the guy's making. If these concepts are so beyone my years, PLEASE tell me why I'm not the one so upset over an argument from a month ago and why I'm trying to stick up for a female artist who happens to be white and isn't allowed to do it herself? Please tell me why I'm not the one making fun of her for doing absolutely nothing to anyone? Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Yet, Nicki Minaj can call some bitch out who started shit with her and can be called strong and amazing and whatnot Don't forget what you said @H.B.I.C. http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15605-iggy-azalea-2nd-studio-album/&do=findComment&comment=136029 This is what I'm referring to, anyway http://www.churchofpop.net/topic/230-nicki-minaj-clapping-back/ By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? You're the only one that keeps bringing up that argument like lmaoooooooo
  19. By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated. And? Nobody's forcing you to be on this forum. I'm sure Mo likes having more people here but nobody's telling you to stay. I'm only ever "childish, rude, stupid, and ignorant" when you disagree with me. You're not looking at TWO sides of an argument, which I have. I've disagreed with you and I've moved on from shit with you, but you seem to be so stuck in the past, you can't get off whatever dick's been stuck in your ass for the past 2-3 months and get over things. You call me childish, when I've over shit and you're stuck in the past so uh.... please tell me how childish I am (for getting over a petty argument a month ago) again? Please remind me? The argument here is the fact that Nicki Minaj, a black female rapper, can stick up for herself publicly on social media, even when she's wrong, and be praised for being a strong black woman and for sticking up for the black women in the industry. But when Taylor Swift calls Nicki Minaj out for talking shit about her indirectly (which it obviously was, who was the other female up for the VOTY who had females with very slim bodies in their videos? I only saw that Taylor's did.) But of course, when she got called out on her shit, she acted as if it wans't about Taylor. So Nicki's a strong black woman in this scenario. THEN someone posts about Nicki not liking a girl's hair and then gets praised when she roasts the girl publicly for speaking out about shit. Oh, but if Iggy does it, oh, she's such a bad person and she's shit! But what's the difference here? She's a white female. When Snoop Dog made fun of her and she tried to stand up for herself? People laughed. People made jokes. It was so goddamn funny. But why didn't anyone tell Snoop Dogg he's a sexist asshole? Nobody brings up the point that when AB starts shit with anyone, Iggy or Perez Hilton or anyone (and she becomes a homophobic sexist racist person), she gets praised for "DRAGGING HA!!!" when there was nobody being drug, but when Iggy defends herself, she's racist or a cunt or a bitch? Or when Perez defends himself, he's called racest and an asshole. It's elementary racism and sexism. This person made fun of Iggy, are they a man? Yeah, probably. Why do people get to rag on Iggy and she gets called names and shit for defending herself, yet, when the tables are turned against a white woman of the industry, they aren't allowed to defend themselves. (And I am by no means defending any racism Iggy has said or the shit Perez has done or said. I'm just stating facts. But AB has also spit racism on Twitter so if you're going to defend her racism, homophobia, and sexism, please take into consideration how hypocritical that looks on your part.) Listen sweetie I've been friends with Mo since the website was just a tumblr and I am not going to leave just because of an ignorant child!!!!! Also, I have some good news for you I don't just think those about you when we disagree, I believe them 100% of the time!!!!! You keep telling me how I'm not looking at two sides of the story because there isn't one because NO ONE IS SAYING IGGY IS WRONG FOR DEFENDING HERSELF. repeat after me NO ONE. Nicki and Iggy did the same thing. You came in here to make an argument.Also, I love how you refer to these concepts as "elementary" because that's an accurate deception of what level of understanding you have. That's all I'm going to say on this matter because clearly you're not grasping these concepts that are beyond your years!!!
  20. By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Okay? Girl you're just pressed because it's the fuckin truth. "I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU" then stop posting about it and me???? I mean, damn, you don't have that much self control to know you have the CHOICE of ignoring? Hell, you're talking about "having to figure out what gigantic reach" I'm going for... are you obsessed? Because I haven't been posting here all that much anymore and I haven't started shit since I started shit with you (which I was over, obviously you're the one who needs to grow up if you're still not over something from WEEKS ago.) And yes, I pulled receipts because what he said goes along with this very post. Did you not read them? & what "major skeletons in my dirty closet" are you talking about???? Do you even understand the meaning of that? Honestly this is the messiest response I have ever seen!!! I have the choice to ignore your stupid, childish, rude, and ignorant comments that you put all of this forum and that's why I do it sweetie :). However, If the only response you have to this argument is to talk about how I must be "obsessed with you" this argument isn't going anywhere(just like the last one) and if you can't see how directly related the two arguments are you're even more delusional than I thought. I do know the meaning of the phrase and I said it because you have a history of being all of the things previously stated.
  21. By double standards: she's white therefore she can't defend herself. Sad, right? It's true. Everyone should be able to stand up for themselves when someone's cracking jokes or making fun or you or talking shit but the fact that she's not allowed to but Nicki is praised for it is bullshit. I AM SO SICK OF THIS AND YOU!!! NO ONE SAID SHE WAS WRONG FOR DOING IT????? Idk what your obsession is about making everything about race is??? You need to grow up. It's getting exhausting to have to figure out what gigantic reach you're going to go for today. Also, idk why you seriously are trying to pull receipts out on @H.B.I.C about Iggy Azzlea, when you have some major skeletons in your dirty closet. Honestly you're an angel
  22. omg but like how much do you have to pay ?
  23. Ok but have ya'll seen "Bridge to Terabithia ? That shit is so sad :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  24. So recently Eminem has taken to name dropping in his new song for his record labels greatest "hits" album. The rapper's whole verse goes
  25. Tbh the only real difference it looks like is they made the moon less scary, which is stupid.
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