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Everything posted by GodlyAndSlayJ

  1. I heard this song ages ago, so proud of Rebecca! Hope you guys can hear "Alive" by her someday, it knocks!!
  2. I love this!!! I can't wait for the ep the production has me shook!
  3. Why do I flop at being active on here? Lolololz

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      The same reason your faves flop at releasing new music for their fans. :morning: 

    2. GodlyAndSlayJ


      This is some hot tea here 

  4. Helloooooo... da bitch is backkkkkk <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jlnsgr


      Which one? There's so many around here :morning:

    3. monopoly
    4. trayertrash


      Didn't notice nor care you were gone :morning:
      jk welcome back :D 

  5. I'm having a periscope chat tonight at 11 feel free to join :) 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      What is Periscope? I feel like it's the new Snapchat and everyone's talking about it but I have absolutely no clue what it does. :shocked: 

  6. i have vocal versions of my stuff but i do not identify as a vocalist (mostly a writer and producer), it will be interesting to see if I release a vocal track tho. And thanks for the support (It's been a 4 -year-in the making process )
  7. You can download the song from soundcloud at the moment for free
  8. THANK YOU OMG, my next buzz song is coming *soon* hehe
  9. Thanks so much ahhhh!!! Can't wait to share what else I've been working on
  10. im not a vocalist hahah but ur in for a surprise it's a a bit different from LVT in that it's more complex, its also very loud! lolol
  11. OMG UR SO NICE UGHHHHHHH! im happy i released this as a buzz track now! ahhhh, cant wait to post my actual debut single
  12. thx bb!!!!!!!!!!
  13. THANK YOU AHHHH! I can't wait to share my debut single
  14. That would be an honor
  15. Ahhh thank you xoxo
  16. Here's my first *buzz song* Inspired by America's first suburbia which sprung up in Pennsylvania after the second world war; also inspired by the nuclear threat of the late 1940's and cold war. Lemme know what you think of it! STREAM: https://soundcloud.com/cinemaindie/levittown
  17. Count me in! Yasssss
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