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Everything posted by Hawks

  1. Uhm, I don't know right thread for it so... is it easy to get/leak song if it's on some publishing site library? 

  2. Uhm, so... are Kiss Me Once instrumentals already leaked? 

    1. trayertrash


      Not sure, but feel free to post them ;)

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Not as far as I know but I really don't keep up with many instrumentals! :(

  3. Somebody could send me Kylie Minogue Sleepwalker EP? I don't know where to download it :(

  4. Maybe someone would like to trade for Birdy 'Fire Within' instrumentals? I know someone who have them, but I have nothing to offer for them but I need them so bad in my life to make it complete :(

  5. So, uhm... I have only listened to two Madonna albums - 'Madonna' and 'Rebel Heart' Lucky Star Is My Jam
  6. Okay, this time for real. Maybe someone will help me. I need Katy Perry leaked unreleased stuff!

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's already been posted in the Katy megapost.

  7. Uhm, gimme gimme more gimme gimme Birdy instrumentals, lmao

  8. You're talking about honeymoon or LDR4?
  9. Are there any known and unreleased BJ songs? Hopefully leaked?
  10. Am I missing something here? Probably from Lungs? Lungs Unreleased: - Paper Massacre Ceremonials Unreleased: - Love Note - Within and Without - Oh Eden - Contours - No. 1 With A Bullet How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Unreleased: - Made of Stone - Tantalus - I Wanna Be With You - Unbeliever
  11. Us Against The World Serial Killer Brooklyn Baby I need more
  12. Gimme gimme more gimme more gimme gimme more
  13. It's interesting that I'm just seeing this now, because the pre-order for the Target Edition of the album just came out and it includes two tracks from the unleaked list: Conductor and Pure Feeling. Obviously neither is Tantalus, but since Conductor was registered at roughly the same time as Tantalus, I think there's still hope as far as getting the song later. She hasn't really been a big b-sides artist since Lungs, so it'll be cool to see what we get out of this era with regards to that stuff. True! It's exciting we're getting those two new tracks, 'Conductor' is another title I'm interested in. I guess we can hold out hope for a bonus track on the vinyl release or something, right? When I Saw that Target tracklist I was like "OMG QUEEN SLAY ME" I need to complain more about b-sides. Yesterday i wrote a post about giving us some outtakes and..
  14. They should release more songs as a b-sides for the singles. It's like 100% sure that they're not going to release any outtakes from the album on next albums, so why to keep them and make fans unhappy?
  15. Tove Lo And F+tM I didn't bought anything, but WKoM vinyl is amazing. Looks great and the b-side
  16. So, Is there any person who have some kind of list of Fatm unreleased/unleaked content? There are a lot of demos and other similar things on youtube, but I can't find anywhere anything close to complete list of unre/unle stuff from the band.
  17. I HEARD THIS. But I can't decide whether to watch or not! There's a part of me that just wants to binge watch them all right now but another part of me is like, I've waited so long, an extra week won't kill me. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. Probably I'll watch first episode and left others for another day.
  18. 4 episodes of season 5 have been leaked today
  19. Reminds me of Florence + The Machine Ceremonials photoshoot. It's a shame that they didn't released it.
  20. I really like this song. One of my favourites from her. If she only could make this time better and more fitting video than for Style. Don't get me wrong - I really appreciated Style video, It was cute and beautiful, but it would fit Wildest Dreams better. Thats my opinion.
  21. I would choose three songs. Hurt by Christina Aguilera, Strange Birds by Birdy and Pretty When You Cry by Lana Del Rey. I can't decide if Lana or Christina song sounds more sad to me
  22. I like it As someone said before: it's amazing to see Lana in another way than just beauty queen. I'm here for it.
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