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  1. I assume the files she will be sharing are the originals and be the best quality?
  2. I don't know, I don't know if it really is a demo version or if the released will be different.
  3. The final version or Retrograde, I'm a mess and an unheard track
  4. Finish Line and I Get What I Want haven't leaked yet have they? They must be circulating since we have snippets?
  5. Thank you So we have 2 snippets of Wicked now?
  6. https://dbree.org/v/20e5a3 Does anyone know what songs these are? and also the Bonnie01 snippet that says "Show Me Some Hussle"?
  7. Did you really share the song? That's kind of you if you did
  8. Has anyone been through all the Breaking Bonnie episodes and clipped all the snippets of tracks we don't have?
  9. Apparently another version of Everything But You leaked?
  10. Thank you. Did you upload both versions? I am missing one.
  11. Thanks, that what I thought. I've seen people saying it's the reworked version so I wondered if I had missed it.
  12. Also, could someone share the other version of Trouble mentioned earlier please?
  13. Are there 2 versions of Love Spell? I thought the version we had was pre Epic
  14. Isn't Terminate 'Em out there it just hasn't been found?
  15. Well we know 2 of these songs are out there at least.
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