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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. We need an Interview w her
  2. I'll need a good lyricist to finish some shit
  3. Yassss queeeeeeeeeeen Slay my pussy Ripp our weaves off
  4. Remember to buy "dopemang" by Kiiara to save the USA!

    1. Woodcrest


      is that some form of vaccination ?

    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      It might be, depends if your local dopemang has it in store o.O

  5. People still care about that thing?
  6. Threre's also Neon & Sky trying to shed a tear
  7. New song is registered!!!!!!!
  8. Ummmm.... no
  9. You can't necceseraly prove a thought with something, I don't know how old the guy is but I suppose back at his age Twitter & Facebook weren't popular as today? People are assuming he's racist because he is white, but honestly I don't see anything racist, he said he was against Elton John & Sting, it's enough, people close to him or his co-workers probably can confirm that, but I don't see the point of it since he only stated his opinion and Beyonce happened to be black, I think people would go crazy if he performed instead of Beyonce or Taylor on Grammys just cause one of his collaborators is doing Pop, I don't like the whole racist until proved innocent idea of todays generation! If they sent her to some Heavy Metal Award show people would probably do the same cause most of the people (At least the ones I personally know) who listen Heavy Metal music don't like pop or idk
  10. Reba, I loved that show
  11. If you look at his tweets you can see he discussed about other artists too (Elton John is one of them) You can't just paint someone racist just because he doesen't like Beyonce, that is some MTV Franchesca Ramsey shit, people throw word racist way too much today, Justin has some songs that are country like Drink You Away but Bey really has only Daddy Lessons which was done by idk how many songwriters with the prepared demo, Bey steals the spotlight on all the important awards (Grammy, Vma etc) and everybody knows she will if she shows up on CMA, they have only that show, and they don't wanna be overshadowed by someone who needs 666 songwriters & is not even doing Country, It would be the same if they sent Gaga (Ignore Joanne album)
  12. What does this have to do with race? I don't see in those tweets that he's upset over Beyoncé being POC, Daddy Lessons is country song, but I think they are upset over the artist that are Pop/RnB acts with only one country song trying to steal their spotlight and make it all about them when not so many ppl are into country and that poor awards are the only thing they have, I never heard of Country artist performing at BET, and I don't think it's about race. I don't think he needs to respond to you or any other SJW when you don't have any facts to show, he simply stated his opinion and BeeHIV got upset and attacked everyone for no reason, like when they attacked Rita Ora
  13. Yeah, I'm just saying that they could save time & privacy as much as possible by saying nothing, cause as soon as you ask for privacy there will be someone like Perez Hilton or TMZ to fuck things up
  14. He's not Gaga or Madonna, it's not that he has billions of fans, he never made it into the news here at all untill he posted that, I think they would have way more privacy if they kept this to themselves until rumors start and then just confirm the thing, so they can at least save the time before all paparazzi and newspapers get on them
  15. I feel sad for the kid, but if you want privacy why posting about it on social media?
  16. I wanted to buy Skyrim for PS4, then rememberd FF will come out in 2 weeks
  17. Kill Chanel 3 Fuck Chanel 5 Marry Chanel Oberlin KFM: Best Dick Sucker, Vagina, Doggystyle
  18. This is the best season ever! I fucking love everything about it... the only thing I hate is waiting until next episode is out!
  19. BANKS - To The Hilt vs Kiiara - Feels
  20. BANKS - Judas vs BANKS - Bedroom Wall
  21. Lady GaGa - Angel Down vs Britney Spears - Mood Ring
  22. Lana Del Rey - Born To Die vs BANKS - Trainwreck
  23. BANKS - Bedroom Wall
  24. #BringBackNataliaKills2k16
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