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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. Is it unisex or female perfume only? I don't wanna smell like breast milk
  2. You lucky betch! I can't wait to recieve mine, the demo I got with Final Fantasy Type-0 was everything!
  3. One day, one daaay lol
  4. Mess i'm seeing this just now lol I'll upload them soon. -------------------------------------- Looking someone to collab with, I need a vocalist, I can write the lyrics if you don't want, I do mostly upbeat music, but I have a bit of knowledge in every genre, ofc collabs only for free & for fun! If one of us don't want it published it should be respected, hit me up in the dm's if you're intersted since my notifications are off
  5. Ppl are really expecting 1st single soon? We'll probably get it in June and album in September... Somebody needs to beg Kinetics & One Love to leak outtake or something, they are cool dudes maybe someone will be lucky
  6. 2 Days till new FF, gonna end up bald!!!!!!!!!
  7. Asian mythology is so wierd & creepy af, I like that creature Shirime that had an eye on the place of his anus lmao
  8. After I saw that Lily Allen tweet I didn't want to watch it
  9. 1 month 'till Christmas, get in mood


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  10. Somebody needs to choke that power bottom on a huge cock
  11. All Time Low by king, god, titan & holy spirit Jon Bellion is currently #35 on BB 100, keep buying & streaming it (& hide your faves :)

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      She don't care about feels, she's focused on dopemang tho

    3. Wild Things

      Wild Things

      scars to your beautiful is at #17 queen, legend, goddess Alessia Cara coming for another top 10 hit xx :dayfid:

    4. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Yaaas at our faves slaying :D

  12. Always here for more Melanie & 78Violet stans welcum
  13. Delete it fat!!!!
  14. 11 Pages... when will other hoes!
  15. Kinda random and unexpected topic for pop music forum but I find Mythology & Astrology very interesting. Imma need some suggestions about books
  16. There's place for only one hateful racist, xenophobic & ableist chanteuse and that's @Beautiful Mind
  17. NNNNNNN Taylor Sssswift suspending Miranda Sings chanell cause of 2 year old Shake It Off  parody


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    1. Tweener


      but her channel wasn't suspended.... 

      Bitch only got a strike and she's shitting her pants over it... mess

    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Lmao, I didn't even watch the full video

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      First Shane Dawson, now Miranda Sings...Taylor is taking out all the big YouTubers so her flop Vevo account can rise to the top. :evil: 

  18. Can someone upload that Ep?
  19. Y'all are doing Omanko so wrong
  20. Jon: Supervillain Theme Muzik Melanie: Cry Baby Kiiara: Intention Neon: Jailhouse Ryn: Here Is Home Charli: Stay Away Sky: Sex Rules Grimes: World Princess
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