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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. Where do you want to go next? I'm actually almost done with my [second] record. I'm working on figuring out everything for that, how to introduce that next theme. I'm excited, I actually have four months off right now to finish that and finish my next music video. I still have to write the video treatment for it, it's for "Mad Hatter." So it's just fun stuff next, fun creative stuff.
  2. Wow, It's so big


    1. Woodcrest


      what is her angle, like why does she do these :flush: 

    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      She's mocking todays celebrities in a kind of cryptic way to get attention, it's working good tho 'cause PewDiePie made a whole video about her 

  3. Cute little article https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/edmprod-limited/10-ways-excel-new-producer.pdf
  4. Honestly they are both tragic, Nicki's music was good during Roman Reloaded era but the rest is mess, she got successful 'cause she made herself a meme with Anaconda, Stupid Hoe & all the controversy about her ass to reach the spot, about Azealia I won't even start
  5. Azealia Banks 34 mins · Facebook Mentions · Nicki girl..... now listen. Don't start throwing shade cause you miss safaree and know that I've actually made a BANGER with him. Don't get mad, get even. Slim down a bit (especially in your neck and arms). Decrease the butt just a bit (I've seen your butt make some really expensive dresses look really cheap) and STOP WEARING SPANDEX AS AN OUTFIT FOR FUCKS SAKE. Also stop calling yourself the queen of rap. Queens don't wear spandex sweety. Marketing genius yes, but your cheap made in China perfume smells like car freshener and your beverage tastes like kitchen cleaner. McDonalds sells a lot of burgers but no one is telling McDonald's that they're the pinnacle of cuisine and taste. This is true of you. You run around the meadow collecting all the low hanging fruit so you may turn around and congratulate yourself for having the most fruit, but all of the fruit is mealy and mushy. I don't understand why you are so impressed with yourself. Do yourself a favor and image search gaga 2011 and pick that back up! This "real" Nicki is not as interesting as Gaga-knock off Nicki. GIVE THE GIRLS WHAT THEY WANT. And stay tuned for my joint with your man. I really think you're gonna love it ! In 2017 I hope you find some new inspiration and decrease your butt implants you would honestly look SOOOOO much better if they were just 150cc smaller. Cheers to female rap! Happy Holidays! -Azealia ❤️
  6. @Speedoflight @VisKip The true Santa's of this forum
  7. You can always delete what you scrobbled, I scrobble all the unleaked shit but nobody can see cause I set it like that in the settings, my username won't appear if I google it or anything, If I remember good people used to trade there some years ago
  8. What are y'all nicks on Overwatch?
  9. Both disgasting Breathe In Breath Out vs JoJo - Honest
  10. Lana - Wait For Life vs Lorde - Buzzcut Seasson
  11. YAAAAS, I'll met him in March tho
  12. #aesthetic #hipster #slay
  13. That Poppy - American Kids
  14. Omg the Jon one
  15. Saw this on ATRL I'll start with mine
  16. It will go gold by the end of the week, so proud to stan such a talented person:hail:


  17. So glad that they're continuing this
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