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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. I haven't heard of them before Hothouse, after Hothouse i downloaded their earlier stuff, and it sounded too "rock-ish" i didn't like it.
  2. sure... mess the "Interludes" i putted on this "album" are just songs i started to work, but never finished cause i've been too lazy so i gave up on them xD
  3. Oh those are all songs i did one year ago, i just didn't post them anywhere cause i've been scared of reactions I think/hope i evolved a bit
  4. I honestly doubt any record label wants to throw $$$$ like that
  5. I guess i am the only one who preffered 78violet, i hope they changed just name, not the sound, i love the vibe of Hothouse
  6. Where is EP2?
  7. #justiceforme
  8. Leak Sweat by Neon

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl


    2. Marina Joyce
  9. Just a sec! new link is up
  10. Sis why don't you promote this forum all over the web? It has potential to be big! You should put some adds or something :)

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      We had ads on Facebook for a while but I found that they weren't really bringing anyone to the site. :( I think the best way is to ask people to invite their friends and loved ones personally! Do you know of anyone who might be interested in joining?

  11. Which label would it be? Interscope or Armada Which producer would you want working on your debut single? myself + collabs with my friends What kind of promotion would you use? Spamming radio stations for the beggining, performing in some local bars, sharing the music for free
  12. I'm gonna watch this after AHS is it good?
  13. I had this song long time ago it´s not Bey neither Rih!
  14. You're cute as fuck tho! And your shirt is dope! thanks sis
  15. i'm using some vocal lessons hopefully i ll sound decent to record a song lol, wanna do some alternative/indie shit Can't wait to hear it! I would like vocal lessons as well tbh but I'm too scared to put myself out there like that. You can use some online lessons just to test it! What, like lessons over Skype or something? There are online lessons on YouTube for free, you can also buy private skype sessions, http://www.singingsuccess.com/
  16. fugly here
  17. i'm using some vocal lessons hopefully i ll sound decent to record a song lol, wanna do some alternative/indie shit Can't wait to hear it! I would like vocal lessons as well tbh but I'm too scared to put myself out there like that. You can use some online lessons just to test it!
  18. i'm using some vocal lessons hopefully i ll sound decent to record a song lol, wanna do some alternative/indie shit
  19. Does that mean we should register again or what? I wanna stay here lol PopHotFlop
  20. Do y'all think it´s possible to learn to sing if you have a really bad voice?
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