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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. Nobody will even notice her existence next to him
  2. Fake as Halsey... leak Melanie or get diarrhea
  3. Y'all are ugly
  4. No, the eyebrows and those bangs are perfect combination without bangs with those eyebrows she would look terrible
  5. I'll upload tomorrow but it will miss 2 songs, I deleted them cause I usually skip them
  6. Perched
  7. WDBCF is overrated as fuck.. it's a type of song people would listen for 2 days and after forget about it..
  8. Better than WDBCF tbh
  9. I had a thousand words to say You just chose to walk away And now you're happy, now you're free You gave me your heart then took it back away Now I see on the birght day Boy you don't mean shit to me Aaaagh only Neon Hitch can write that masterpiece
  10. At first I didn't like her cause that Bestie song is terrible, but the rest of album is actually very good, I love Champagne Room, Dazed & High and Young N Stupid
  11. Yaaas show those hoarders their seats
  12. I wanna hear A Thousand Words (Studio) so bad
  13. Somebody wanna sell Gold by Eden Xo or Lola Blanc collection?

  14. Somebody rip them all off in HQ I'll be sleepin when she puts all that out
  15. @VisKip will there be more XCXclusives or should we give up? :D
  16. David will probably be on PT2
  17. Follow ✦ Ryn Weaver ✦Verified account‏@RynWeaver @lukeygaga girl needs to sit down and stop trying to hit so low below the belt. Race? Orientation? Family? Really? Coming from someone who ✦ Ryn Weaver ✦ ‏@RynWeaver 7h7 hours ago @lukeygaga plays the victim whenever it suits her then does the same thing back to everyone else. I'm an ally to her struggle.. but messy @aIliesx attempt is operative. She already has and I replied like a lady. Not really scared of her.
  18. So there won't be AHS for a while? I'm hyped anyway cause of queen Lange
  19. I'm ready for s&m dominatrix type of album
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