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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. He's shy, so he don't wanna show that he is the kinkiest here Truth: Ever been caught watching porn?
  2. Scary Movie 5 Faviorite pose?
  3. I'm ready
  4. Hide your faves Support her on ITunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/emi/id1161856478 insta: https://www.instagram.com/planetemi/ twitter: https://twitter.com/planet_emi
  5. Idk the combination of that clothing with the hair & sunglasses, she looks like they are sisters in those pics
  6. Not her new look being a hybrid of Kesha & Hilary Duff The meme of our generation
  7. Not really a plastic surgery, but tattoo removal Did you ever have sex without protection?
  8. get me the titles of Jon Bellion produced songs
  9. The fact that some of you didn't post 1 positive comment in this thread.. But thanks for contributing anyway
  10. Deleting all the cookies from the browser after I finish to browse the internet What was the most embarasing moment in your life?
  11. mess... she said she is not happy with todays generations being raised so narrow minded so instead seeing the way the things are they see it how they want to see it, if you don't understand it you're probably the type of the people she is talking about
  12. I don't see where she said she have a problem with people percieving her that way, It's just a general post about today's kids that judge everything by the way it looks. I don't the she should change, If someone don't like it, just ignore it, no need for trolling tho
  13. Happy Birthday :magic:


    1. Hawks


      <3 Thank u so much! 

  14. :cackle::cackle::cackle::cackle::cackle::cackle:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I can't at that skank Charlotte trynna break up my boo Poppy and her plant... :vacuum: Go to Walmart and buy your own damn plant you homewrecker!

    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      tru :D this video is a typical example of PHF type of friendship :cackle:

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      'F.F.F.: Fuck Fake Faggots'. :vacuum: 

  15. 10/10
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