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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. and this is her performing immidiatly after she had miscarriage
  2. Thank you bb You're being super nice to every member here, and you really contribute a lot here, people like you make this forum a good place you deserve a whole bible written about you in this thread
  3. We are blessed again with another exclusive https://clyp.it/sfjwcfrw
  4. Thank you king! For every exclusive! :D

  5. I like the Sia and Birdy ones
  6. It needs to be next single tbh
  7. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7446593/kiiara-hit-song-gold-interview Why "Gold" in particular? We originally were gonna name it this acronym: "W.E.L.Y.K.", for "without ever letting you know." But we decided not to because we didn't want to be trendy. "Gold" felt like years from now it would still be relevant. Did you feel like it was going to be a hit? I never thought this would be massive. When we put it out, we were like, maybe a couple thousand people will hear it at most. It never even crossed our minds that a ton of people were going to hear it. You've been in the studio with some of the big-name electronic producers. I've worked with Dillon Francis a couple times, Marshmello.
  8. Alien Dare U 2 Love Me Fly Help Bad Dog Picasso Rainbows Sweat Trees Where R U? F U Betta Rainbows U + ME Hello BB&S by Neon
  9. Looking for someone to introduce me to sources and stuffs...

    Spit the price in pm

    Payment with PayPal

  10. leak CupcakKe
  11. Just wanna say that I appreciate every person that was nice, kind and good to me here :) It's difficult to find a place where you can discuss about your favorite flops where people have similar tastes, but I found it here :D Thank y'all <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      I'm glad to know ya! ily 

    3. Olympia


      i know we have different opinions but you seem pretty cool otherwise, here's to being chill :mo:

    4. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Thank you boo, you're cool too <3

  12. cancelled
  13. Ultraviolence - Lana Del Rey
  14. Cheap Thrills vs Breathe Me
  15. next one: SIA - Elastic Heart
  16. Questions for every upcoming interview? Who are you? Why should we listen to your music? Is your music any different than what's already out there? What do you think you will achieve in the future?
  17. So fucking READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. We'll see who is Regina George in sheeps clothing
  19. Idk who he is and what's wrong, I just heard a song on the radio and it's a bop lmao
  20. Neon Hitch - Eleutheromaniac vs Ryn Weaver - New Constellations
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