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Marina Joyce

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Everything posted by Marina Joyce

  1. Banks - Gemini Feed vs Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth
  2. I love this I'd die if we get green CD
  3. If you do music because you love music and enjoy the process of creation it's never too late,just do it for youself.. If you wanna do music because of fame and money it might still be ok but be sure what you're doing, I'm fucking with music production over a 5 years now, and I still can get what I want (I practice every day) I suggest download Illegaly some DAW, practice on it for a while, see how it goes, If you figure it you could do something, start buying stuffs one by one cause good quality equipment costs about 1500€ cca, and isolation and stuffs are not included (It depends about the size of the room but let's say cca 500, 600 €) It's not fair that you live with parents and then ask them money for that It's not just so easy thinkning "oh tommorrow I'll wake up and I'll be famous and rich musician" no... Hell some of our fave flops are homeless today
  4. Honey parents will never support such a risky move, You can do music and go to college at sime time, music equipment is very, very fucking expensive... You can't just expect parents to give you big amount of money like that, Find a side job and buy the equipment with your own money! Practice every day at least 1 hour and that will be fine, by cancelling college you're just doing a huge mistake
  5. I know but still If she was going to give up, she shouldn't even sue him... ______________________________________________________________ I hope the label will approve "Golden Bird"
  6. I'm sorry but 14 y old is really sick...
  7. That was such a bad move, but I'll happy to stan her again, She was the person that made me like pop music, she was my idol, I really hope we will get new music soon
  8. Hahahha i love dis
  9. Why does this looks better than official Sucker cover? nnn I'll use this
  10. Why did Aubrey get there? We need new dumblonde single
  11. Melanie Martinez district
  12. Name: Cry Baby Would you rather be male or female: Male Picture (Leave blank if you want me to use your PHF profile picture!)
  13. Smash Lily Allen ft Jon Bellion - Sunset Drive
  14. #Justice4Waterfall
  15. Marry: Kiiara Fuck: Aurora Kill: Shawn Mendes Grimes, Lily Allen, Kehlani
  16. Drake - Crew Love vs Fifth Harmony - Big Bad Wolf
  17. Not people downloading this Glad y'all like it
  18. Sky Ferreira - Sad Dream vs Drake - The Motto
  19. We should get Waterfall and WCHT so he post the pic
  20. I posted mine yesterday
  21. We're all waiting for your pic
  22. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No & No....
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