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Everything posted by Degenerate

  1. I'm your vulgar darling in the swimming pool Glimmering you say that you're nobody's fool I know that babe, I know that But it doesn't mean you can't come in and get cool From Moi Je Joue and https://twitter.com/drugmoney
  2. Just saw this on tumblr from dawncoloredlipstick I actual died inside how dare she
  3. You sir have amazing taste in music and also you have ur priorities set correctly ;] Lana > Everyone
  4. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  6. New shoes and jeans Black like my non existent soul
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. What the hell that is how to ruin someones confidence fml slap that bitch down please
  9. I sing all day everyday lmao :oops: and used to play the piano (haven't in a long long time)
  10. Was just going through old versions of leaked Lana songs and found a watermark / tag on one of them and I laughed coz the voice was to serious but I thought I was mishearing what it was saying so I played it like 15 times and then realised that it actually was saying PopHatesFags so I googled it and Hi me ;]x
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