Oh my god, I hate those things too! At least hot wax feels kind of sexy when you drip it on, whereas that stuff just feels super dry and gross to pull off... I'm also considering buying an epilator...Does anyone have any experience with those? omg my twin sister has a "no!no!" but I am to shit scared to use it LMAO it might destroy my wonderful pasty pale completion Lmfao, I'm obsessed with having pale skin as well tbh. But I'm more obsessed with having nice smooth skin and I just can't be bothered shaving or waxing anymore. :'( Why can't there just be a pill for this kind of thing?! One of my drag queen friends is having electrolysis done so he doesn't have to shave his face or legs anymore. I don't really know much about it but it seems like it'd be better than what we go through now. Speaking of hair removal, what's the best way to get it removed around the bum hole? 1. Cover ur ass with shaving cream 2. LEAVE IT FOR LIKE 5 MINS (it makes it so much easier) 3. gl racking ur ass with a razor