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Everything posted by Degenerate

  1. Awh Happy Birthday Have a great day :*
  2. How bizarre the song FROOT came on shuffle as I was reading this. Tbh I cant wait I love this album so much.
  3. Oh my god thank you sm I love Adventure time still a kid at heart
  4. Yas Yaas YAASSS! Honeymoon is coming bitches!
  5. Oh my gawd yes! I still need to finish season 2
  6. Oh damn that hand movement
  7. I want my cheek bones to actually exist but i'm actually ok with the way my face is i guess.
  8. omg what?!?!?!!? Sorry but this does not sound like the greatest match up of artists ;///
  9. "Insert half of Lana Del Rey's songs here" Last girl on earth has to be my fav
  10. "speculation" it was just rumors mashed together into a post
  12. Oh My Dear Lord. Well what do we have here. Firstly Neil Krung's "Eclipse" Now we have Lana's insta acc updating her pic and bio
  13. Plus you get cute freckles which always make you look young and innocent. :'( Ngl I play on the innocent look way to much
  14. After like shaving a lot I seemed to find that the inches like goes away also if u use tones and tones of shaving cream it help idk I would wax but gingers feel 25% more pain. (yh nice one max use that as the excuse obvs not coz im a pussy ass hoe)
  15. This is one of the only bonuses of being ginger ur hair is almost invisible
  16. Oh my god, I hate those things too! At least hot wax feels kind of sexy when you drip it on, whereas that stuff just feels super dry and gross to pull off... I'm also considering buying an epilator...Does anyone have any experience with those? omg my twin sister has a "no!no!" but I am to shit scared to use it LMAO it might destroy my wonderful pasty pale completion Lmfao, I'm obsessed with having pale skin as well tbh. But I'm more obsessed with having nice smooth skin and I just can't be bothered shaving or waxing anymore. :'( Why can't there just be a pill for this kind of thing?! One of my drag queen friends is having electrolysis done so he doesn't have to shave his face or legs anymore. I don't really know much about it but it seems like it'd be better than what we go through now. Speaking of hair removal, what's the best way to get it removed around the bum hole? 1. Cover ur ass with shaving cream 2. LEAVE IT FOR LIKE 5 MINS (it makes it so much easier) 3. gl racking ur ass with a razor
  17. Oh my god, I hate those things too! At least hot wax feels kind of sexy when you drip it on, whereas that stuff just feels super dry and gross to pull off... I'm also considering buying an epilator...Does anyone have any experience with those? omg my twin sister has a "no!no!" but I am to shit scared to use it LMAO it might destroy my wonderful pasty pale completion Lmfao, I'm obsessed with having pale skin as well tbh. But I'm more obsessed with having nice smooth skin and I just can't be bothered shaving or waxing anymore. :'( Why can't there just be a pill for this kind of thing?! Omg yes science we need you please Anti body hair pill tbh
  18. Oh my god, I hate those things too! At least hot wax feels kind of sexy when you drip it on, whereas that stuff just feels super dry and gross to pull off... I'm also considering buying an epilator...Does anyone have any experience with those? omg my twin sister has a "no!no!" but I am to shit scared to use it LMAO it might destroy my wonderful pasty pale completion
  19. Yeh nah that shit is evil ^^ It looks pretty and pink but i swear to god it is some kind of demon spawn
  20. Oh my dear lord i have one of them Veet roll on heated wax things .. i used it one it has not seen the light of day since. so now i just stick to shaving
  21. Burning desire on the toilet
  22. I've wondered into the realm of my parents before and seen them watching it I just know she's hooked on something ;/ but it does look good
  23. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
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