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Everything posted by Degenerate

  1. Yeh a few people spoke to her band and said they have be practising a range of songs with pre-recorded vocals
  2. Lana Del Rey's Endless Summer Tour Setlist OMG UNRELEASED SONGS?! There are video's going around of her rehearsing them as well (YCBTB& SK) This list better be legit I just grabbed it off tumblr http://ldrnews.tumblr.com/post/118339397464/lana-del-rey-with-her-band-rehearsing-serial http://deandelreyy.tumblr.com/post/118351798237/apparent-video-of-lana-del-rey-sound-checking-you I am going to cry with joy if she does serial killer live
  3. Oh my god [img width=434 height=650]
  4. Now Now no need to go fishing for likes
  5. And she looks like a saint as well. Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, aw! How the fuck does she look so good, she just gave birth to a baby and the is standing up in front of the media looking flawless.
  6. It's a nice idea it will work well for people, but at the end of the day your still eating shit.
  7. the images in my head
  8. Needed some ginger up in here
  9. Bass Playground v2 / Queen of disaster
  10. McGarbage Kinda outta luck / You can be the boss
  11. Pulp fiction & the kill bill series (soz can pic one. #TarantinoIsGod) Eye color?
  12. That is brutal she proper smashed that into the ground
  13. Awh Awh Awhhhhh a little princess and prince so cute
  14. Consoles Nintendo only for Zelda Hair colour?
  15. Sadcore/EDM cant pick one Whats ur Sexuality ?
  16. They wanted something that couldn't be shortened so they chose Max ;] Have you got any hobbies?
  17. It's gonna be my birthday I'm gonna be able to get legally wasted.
  18. We'll see. I know I've found Kim Possible in 720 but I've only Fairly Odd Parents in 480, at least the first few seasons are in 480, anyway... I'll see what I can do. We cant rush this masterpiece! Right now I'm working on Adventure Time and once I finish either that or Avatar, I'll begin work on Kim Possible, too (and the movies WILL be included.) Yas! Adventure time > Everything else. ur priorities are on point. Well, it's not that I particularly like Adventure Time, I just wanna make sure everything's finished before I start more projects lol but sure cx It's obvs ur brain passively influencing you from the greatness of Adventure time :D
  19. We'll see. I know I've found Kim Possible in 720 but I've only Fairly Odd Parents in 480, at least the first few seasons are in 480, anyway... I'll see what I can do. We cant rush this masterpiece! Right now I'm working on Adventure Time and once I finish either that or Avatar, I'll begin work on Kim Possible, too (and the movies WILL be included.) Yas! Adventure time > Everything else. ur priorities are on point.
  20. We'll see. I know I've found Kim Possible in 720 but I've only Fairly Odd Parents in 480, at least the first few seasons are in 480, anyway... I'll see what I can do. We cant rush this masterpiece!
  21. OMGGG YAS that show is perfection, I always remember the dodge balls for some bizarre reason
  22. I adore the production of these the instrumentals are amazing.
  23. Utopia ); they scrapped the last season, crying :'(
  24. Awhh Happy Birthday too!!! Have a great day boo x
  25. Fairly Oddparents < My childhood
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