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Everything posted by Degenerate

  1. This makes me so fucking angry that he can snap his fingers and bam she can't do shit
  2. When I met Melanie a few weeks ago she was so adorable
  3. Reposted below!
  4. Tbh seems like a pointless re-brand to gain attention
  5. Happy birthday boo x

    1. trayertrash


      I love you boo <3 

  6. Pref the drawing tbh
  7. Yeah so like I'm back

    1. trayertrash


      more come backs than Cher

    2. Crywolf


      welcome back booboo ;)

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Ready for another Farewell Tour in a few months. :morning:

  8. Benedict Cumberbatch realness tbqfh... You're adorable, and I swear to god we have exactly the same hair colour. Do you use Directions? fannkkk u xox It's my natural hair color I wanna dye it tho ;/ Omfg, what?! If that's your natural hair colour then Lana is a natural blonde. Don't try and play with me right now bitch. LEGIT IS!! I've never dyed my hair in my lifee
  9. Benedict Cumberbatch realness tbqfh... You're adorable, and I swear to god we have exactly the same hair colour. Do you use Directions? fannkkk u xox It's my natural hair color I wanna dye it tho ;/
  10. trying to look cute ..
  11. He used to call me DB That stood for Daddy's Bottom
  12. Ngl She is the star of the show and Gaga has snatched her weave. She needs to come back!
  13. ;O ermagawd its fixed
  14. YAASSS, still crying coz my account was reset
  15. OMG I AM SCREAMING LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This needs to be number one in the charts
  16. I was just reading this from FB she deserves every fucking penny she gets fucking drag them hoe's she has had a hard time and she deserves some fucking justice
  17. I'm shocked that anyone even liked Froot, let alone considers it one of their favourite albums of all time. How dare u I love it! I'm a Ruin you and Savages Are 2 of my fav songs just because I love the lyrics. what?! the best songs on album are Immortal, Better Than That and Blue.... I´m a Ruin is way too overrated.... Electra Heart was a perfect album, every single song on it was a masterpiece, i need her to go back to that sound :'( Ikr I only like I'm a ruin because I like to think it related to an old relationship that turned out to be a mess ikr tragic so I kinda attached it to that song.
  18. Right? That shit is ridiculous. The only thing I can see myself getting into is a ouija board because I've had friends who have used those before and apparently there's something behind them, but even then I think it's more psychological than anything. OMG time for a story: My mother and her friends and her sister and her sisters BF went to the abandoned hospital 5 mins from my house when they were teens and they used a Ouija board and my uncles friend used it and he asked if he was going to die soon and it said yes and after that they all flipped there shit and stopped and they thought nothing of it but the next month he walked out of a pub on to a road and got hit my a car and died. So yeah fuck that shit LMAO
  19. I'm shocked that anyone even liked Froot, let alone considers it one of their favourite albums of all time. How dare u I love it! I'm a Ruin and Savages Are 2 of my fav songs just because I love the lyrics.
  20. Ke$ha - Animal & Cannibal LDR - Born to Die (Paradise Edition) Taylor Swift - 1989 Gaga - Artpop M&D - FROOT Lily Allen - Alright, Still
  21. ngl .. I think it's a crock of shit espes star sign gibberish like it's all general information that could apply to anyone's life
  22. Ikr! All time fav Unreleased Lana song and why its ur fav? (I will judge u)
  23. Joe Wright, who did Atonement OMFG Atonement is one of my all time fav films! Never seen it Disgrace But legit please watch it, its so sad Omg, how good is it? I saw it in the cinema when it first came out and I was BAWLING about that scene right at the end. :'( :'( :'( Such an unexpected twist! IKR I WAS LIKE SCRMIN NOOOOOO Legit was a mess
  24. She better fucking be ... Francesco or Barry ?
  25. It's extremely important to use pronouns correctly. Using he/him is taking away from who Caitlyn feels she is, it's like saying her identity doesn't matter to you (although, I know you didn't mean it that way) Bruce/he/him aren't terms to use anymore when talking about Caitlyn. See, pronouns are the problem with me and trans people. I mean, I'd gladly call them what they want to be called but once I'm used to calling someone a guy or using the male pronouns, it's hard for me to be all like "Oh, she did this today," you know? I'll have to keep thinking to call him a her instead. But... that's just me and eventually once more people in the limelight start changing (because this has been a large step for famous people who want to, all the support), I'll get used to it eventually and I'll start using proper pronouns. Pronouns are still extremely important to trans people and what's comfortable to you doesn't really matter when it comes to what they find offensive. If you can remember their name, it's not too hard to remember he/him vs she/her. Thinking before speaking and checking pronouns before posting should be a top priority when it comes to trans issues. Not trying to sound bitchy, it's just something I take extremely seriously.
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