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Everything posted by Degenerate

  1. I have always been Degenerate by name and nature and I will be forever (PHF was the first place I used this Iconic name)
  2. LB is back online tomorrow
  3. YAASS you made that impact ur ex is craving you, but for real block that hoe he aint shit if he is trying to break up ur relationship he obvs cant like u that much if he doesn't want you too be happy in ur new relationship makes him look like a desperate selfish binch
  4. I look like a potato compared to everyone here
  5. Fixed it for you! This is a fucking throwback
  6. Twilight Princess > Every Wii Game
  7. Yas kween, Grab ur pitch folks it's a bitch hunt
  8. Boys literally suck, stay strong boo x
  9. Do you know if it's available for Windows?
  10. True, but u can just record via stereo mix (idk if u can do that on Mac devices)
  11. I just go through inspect element and find the source of the uploaded file right click > save as mp3
  12. OMGGG yes please!!
  13. Bombs on Monday in 320kbps HQ? has this leaked? Idk well it was posted on LB https://instaud.io/jY0
  14. This thread lost its chill way too quickly
  15. Omg netflix needs to hurry the fuck up and add the rest because I really cba to search for a torrent <_>
  16. Also Motel 6 V2 and some other UATW stuff + COTBR Demo all The Rural stuff
  17. I'm so behind on RPD I've just finished the season where Bianca Del rio won welp
  18. Ngl I don't particularly favor live shows but this gorl is amazing live with her crazy ass dancing
  19. Oh mess, thanks x get too meet her again in November (even know the price of her VIP tickets went up to £115  )
  20. Some1 make a melanie masterpost
  21. GTGA will be next Dance money and the 9 string demo of OTTR Bbm baby probs in the Summer 1949 studio demo leaked CYB Leaked COTBR alt vers leaked, Roses leaked, GGDV2 leaked, Party Girl (Demo 2) leaked
  22. RIP Whoever leaked this her team will go downtown on their ass
  23. So on a completely unrelated topic how much would it cost to higher a hitman? say... to kill an american producer/ scum piece of shit
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