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  1. I actually bought this DVD for about 5 bucks It's most interesting for Fenriz's contributions, as usual for his public image when he moved from being Black Metal's Dr Evil to being Black Metal's Rodney Dangerfield
  2. You Can Be The Boss (sexy > violent) Drums or bass?
  3. Just the one. Cats or dogs?
  4. [ @[iurl=http://"http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=13"]trayertrash[/iurl] All the parts] Two trees worth. Toilet paper - over or under?
  5. Avengers Age of Ultron Favourite comedian?
  6. I saw this last night and generally enjoyed it. Some spoiler type thoughts:
  7. "The Girl In The Fireplace" (Doctor Who) Favourite way to spend a Friday night?
  8. No problem I tried posting this yesterday and it got eaten by internet demons, but here are some records that you might enjoy, if you haven't heard them already. Let me know if you need help hearing them. John Cale - Sun Blindness Music EN - Silence is Sexy Whitehouse - Racket Tormentor - Anno Domini Vagina Dentata Organ - The Perpignan Killings The Birthday Party - Junkyard Slugfuckers - Cacophany (Compilation) Enjoy
  9. Moonlight Firefly Neighbours with Kylie Minogue
  10. @ratheartlove it looks like we have a lot of bands in common. EN are one of the most fascinating bands ever - are you more into their 'clanging metal' era, or their prettier, last 25 years of records? Diamanda's Plague Mass is still the most extreme record I've ever heard, and I'm probably ready to hear it again. Rotting Christ don't come up too often, but I've enjoyed what I've heard of them. Do you like Vader? They also have some interesting melodies along w/the growling. Nico of course is a Goddess. Have you heard John Cale's pre-Velvet Underground recordings? You'd probably enjoy those as well.
  11. This should be interesting. Bob Saget's spent most of his time since the show building up a persona as the opposite of the clean cut sitcom dad. It will be fun if he gets back on board.
  12. I haven't actually seen that movie! It's weird because before it came out I was super excited about the concept because it sounded so interesting and I love Cameron, but I never actually got around to seeing it. I would definitely recommend it based on that.
  13. Better by Regina Spektor (and that was even before hearing it in My Sister's Keeper)
  14. I have to add one more after this weekend - My Sister's Keeper, which is pretty relentless.
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