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Everything posted by ☯ LARINA ☯

  1. It's just Firework. It's baby, you're a firework, not baby, you're fireworks. I seriously don't get where people get the s from but it's OK, I don't hate you, lol. I hate the people who say they love her and they're a huuuuge fan but they call it s, like, you're trying to get me to believe something that's obviously false, just get outta my way, gurrrl. But yeah, she sounded pretty good when she sung it at the PWT concert I went to.
  2. This thread should have been started ages ago, but I'm creating it now. Talk about everything PWT here I went, I had an amazing time but the security led us the wrong way to the Reflection Section and all the good spots were taken. We ended up where the stage gets higher and I'm very short so it was really hard to see, but I saw quite a bit. I think I was too shocked about actually seeing her in the flesh in front of me and I was trying too much to get noticed that I forgot to enjoy it. I wish I could go again :'( But these two girls even tried lifting me up because I was dressed in the outfit Katy wears during TIHWD and International Smile (I think, I forget :'( :'( :'() but they lifted me up during It Takes Two and Katy had her back towards us (we were inside the prism) and then one of the security guards told the girls to put me down. I also want to share this, I actually found it on Lana Boards. I had no idea this had happened! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgfT_wmp_PY
  3. I think it's just the fact of it being up on iTunes that's rare.
  4. Take me to Paris on the toilet.
  6. We're sipping cocktails on the toilet.
  7. Y'all are spamming it, haha. I had a rule on another forum when I posted it that I forgot about on here which was you can only do one at a time. So keep it updated so you can post more! It's great to see you guys participating though! :D All my life I've tried to find what history has given me on the toilet.
  8. Ah, I've never heard of that version before. I came up with this idea while I was on the toilet and I was just being random lol. The rule is that it has to end in "on the toilet" and the lyric/title must come first, but this is too funny Take your body downtown on the toilet.
  9. So, I have this idea for a game. You take a lyric or a song title and you add "on the toilet" to the end of it. It's pretty childish but it's so funny! EXAMPLES: I kissed a girl on the toilet. Drinking cherry cola on the toilet. Got it? Now give it a try!
  10. One of the Boys - Katy Perry because it started the Katy-Lolita-Lana chain and I've been obsessed with it for three years. And Born To Die - Lana Del Rey because it's amazing.
  11. I got here by you
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