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Everything posted by ☯ LARINA ☯

  1. He used to call me CX, that stood for Cool Xanax idk what i'm doing
  2. i'm so unhappy, i feel so bad on the toilet
  3. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  4. You want to..... I can't believe how we let this thread flop... lol Confession... Er, there's not much to confess. I hate 80s music. Most of it. Like go ahead and delete it fat if you try to send it to me. Ew so do I omg. My mum loves it & sometimes she plays it in the car & I really can't stand it omg. Okaayy so there was this time where I was literally ADDICTED to Lana. Listening to Lana was all I ever wanted to do, and it was awful bc I'm not allowed to listen to music in class & I couldn't concentrate at school. I was also very antisocial then. Also, this storm of melancholy & anxiety would come over me if I was not listening to her or doing something that had something to do with Lana (I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO LISTEN TO KATY AT ALL). And tbh I think it's coming back...but I feel like it's slightly different. GOD OKAY I KNOW I'M FUCKING WEIRD
  5. It's an Australian store called Orporto's. I love it bc everything is grilled & much healthier.
  6. oh god. yes, i'm copying lana. okay, bye.
  7. uh help why won't my avatar show even tho i uploaded a new one?

    1. ☯ LARINA ☯

      ☯ LARINA ☯

      nevermind, it's working now


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Did you have an old account on here as well? :o

    2. ☯ LARINA ☯

      ☯ LARINA ☯

      Yeah! I joined at the beginning of the year! I came back bc Carson told me he had an Avril masterpost on here (which I still can't find). I used to be haelolitahae, I'm that Australian who loves Lana (along with Katy, Marina, Avril, Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana, Charli & Panic! At The Disco)

      1st of February is when I joined.

  9. Thanks!! :D Yeah, I see where you're going but my uncle will play it aloud and I can't let my grandparents hear the inappropriate ones. I just did a random selection then put them all in order of date (that's why all unreleased are first) and order of the album tracklist. I had YAB, Big Eyes, I Can Fly, and UV on the album's list too but only nineteen songs would fit on the list. I shouldn't have used the unreleased songs. Off topic - but I have never seen someone else use "mightn't" before. Everyone thinks it's weird if I use that word. It's a good thing you didn't include 'Cola' in that case, I think your grandparents could have a heart attack. But I like the unreleased songs you chose! The only one I'm missing is 'Prom Song (Gone Wrong)'. :'( Hahaha, yeah! It's a shame because I can't play any of my three favourite songs aloud when they're home: Florida Kilos (who knows, they might find out what yayo means sometime), Serial Killer (they'll take it literally) and Cola (well, I believe you know). There are a few lyrics in Teenage Wasteland which they mightn't like...it's a shame though :'( I feel you. Stupid strict grandparents. Aww, you poor thing. :'( But only four more years and you'll be able to tell them to gtfo and listen to whatever you want! I can't wait to send you the latest Nicki Minaj CD when that happens so you can jam out to the rudest and baddest bitch alive. Oh, no, I can play whatever I want (my mum even tells me not to worry) but I kinda want them to like Lana and I kinda want to keep them impressed, if you know what I mean. I don't want to make her seem bad or inappropriate for me either, but I want them to think that Lana's amazing. Even though she really is, one inappropriate thing will change their mind. I'm happy with going crazy to Cola and You Can Be The Boss and Boarding School (oh, how long I was obsessed with that song!) and Put Me In The Movies and every single song when Lana calls her lover "daddy" whenever I'm home alone or not around anyone who I know so I won't make them not like Lana. Aww yeah, I know what you mean. It's like when my grandma's around I'll always play Gaga's jazz album so she's impressed but I'll never let her hear songs like 'Swine'. But I play really dirty songs loudly around my parents cos they're pretty much obligated to love me so they shouldn't really care what I play... truth
  10. Thanks!! :D Yeah, I see where you're going but my uncle will play it aloud and I can't let my grandparents hear the inappropriate ones. I just did a random selection then put them all in order of date (that's why all unreleased are first) and order of the album tracklist. I had YAB, Big Eyes, I Can Fly, and UV on the album's list too but only nineteen songs would fit on the list. I shouldn't have used the unreleased songs. Off topic - but I have never seen someone else use "mightn't" before. Everyone thinks it's weird if I use that word. It's a good thing you didn't include 'Cola' in that case, I think your grandparents could have a heart attack. But I like the unreleased songs you chose! The only one I'm missing is 'Prom Song (Gone Wrong)'. :'( Hahaha, yeah! It's a shame because I can't play any of my three favourite songs aloud when they're home: Florida Kilos (who knows, they might find out what yayo means sometime), Serial Killer (they'll take it literally) and Cola (well, I believe you know). There are a few lyrics in Teenage Wasteland which they mightn't like...it's a shame though :'( I feel you. Stupid strict grandparents. Aww, you poor thing. :'( But only four more years and you'll be able to tell them to gtfo and listen to whatever you want! I can't wait to send you the latest Nicki Minaj CD when that happens so you can jam out to the rudest and baddest bitch alive. Oh, no, I can play whatever I want (my mum even tells me not to worry) but I kinda want them to like Lana and I kinda want to keep them impressed, if you know what I mean. I don't want to make her seem bad or inappropriate for me either, but I want them to think that Lana's amazing. Even though she really is, one inappropriate thing will change their mind. I'm happy with going crazy to Cola and You Can Be The Boss and Boarding School (oh, how long I was obsessed with that song!) and Put Me In The Movies and every single song when Lana calls her lover "daddy" whenever I'm home alone or not around anyone who I know so I won't make them not like Lana.
  11. I think she makes it up herself, it's all very her. I'm surprised by Firework, but she doesn't usually sound that good live, yet she actually can sing. Honestly, I think it's something to do with the microphone. She can sing really well without it. Omg sis, I know you're a stan but that is the silliest excuse I've ever heard. It happens to me It shouldn't happen to you after seven years in the industry tho. It could just be her tone. It doesn't mix with the microphone well or something and I don't think you can ever change it. I've been using microphones for years and I still sound awful.
  12. Lol OMG I even read that weirdly...I saw it was "the mammaries of our lifetime on the toilet".
  13. I think she makes it up herself, it's all very her. I'm surprised by Firework, but she doesn't usually sound that good live, yet she actually can sing. Honestly, I think it's something to do with the microphone. She can sing really well without it. Omg sis, I know you're a stan but that is the silliest excuse I've ever heard. It happens to me
  14. Thanks!! :D Yeah, I see where you're going but my uncle will play it aloud and I can't let my grandparents hear the inappropriate ones. I just did a random selection then put them all in order of date (that's why all unreleased are first) and order of the album tracklist. I had YAB, Big Eyes, I Can Fly, and UV on the album's list too but only nineteen songs would fit on the list. I shouldn't have used the unreleased songs. It's a good thing you didn't include 'Cola' in that case, I think your grandparents could have a heart attack. But I like the unreleased songs you chose! The only one I'm missing is 'Prom Song (Gone Wrong)'. :'( Hahaha, yeah! It's a shame because I can't play any of my three favourite songs aloud when they're home: Florida Kilos (who knows, they might find out what yayo means sometime), Serial Killer (they'll take it literally) and Cola (well, I believe you know). There are a few lyrics in Teenage Wasteland which they mightn't like...it's a shame though :'( I feel you. Stupid strict grandparents.
  15. I think she makes it up herself, it's all very her. I'm surprised by Firework, but she doesn't usually sound that good live, yet she actually can sing. Honestly, I think it's something to do with the microphone. She can sing really well without it.
  16. There'll be just one survivor: the momiries of our life time on the toilet EDIT: *memories. I'm keeping it like that because it's the funniest typo ever, like, wtf were my fingers?
  17. Thanks!! :D Yeah, I see where you're going but my uncle will play it aloud and I can't let my grandparents hear the inappropriate ones. I just did a random selection then put them all in order of date (that's why all unreleased are first) and order of the album tracklist. I had YAB, Big Eyes, I Can Fly, and UV on the album's list too but only nineteen songs would fit on the list. I shouldn't have used the unreleased songs.
  18. Dancing with tears in my eyes on the toilet.
  19. Thaaaanks! This is the back of the CD and the tracklist btw: [/imh]
  20. It's just Firework. It's baby, you're a firework, not baby, you're fireworks. I seriously don't get where people get the s from but it's OK, I don't hate you, lol. I hate the people who say they love her and they're a huuuuge fan but they call it s, like, you're trying to get me to believe something that's obviously false, just get outta my way, gurrrl. But yeah, she sounded pretty good when she sung it at the PWT concert I went to. I didn't even notice I added the 's' But yeah! She's not to shabby live. Oh, sorry :/ Same :'(
  21. That's what you get for waking up on the toilet
  22. I don't know if I'm supposed to start a new thread or not, sorry if I'm not, but I'm making this mix CD for my uncle for his birthday and I'm going all out, making a lyrics booklet and everything. This is the album artwork:
  23. I'm a champion on the toilet.
  24. I think it's just the fact of it being up on iTunes that's rare. Weird. It might have just been a fan who uploaded it tho, I know Kesha had an "unreleased album" uploaded on iTunes by a fan unofficially at some point a few years ago. Oh, gosh!
  25. You're not from Australia, are you?
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