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Everything posted by ☯ LARINA ☯

  1. FUCKKKKKKKKKKK (or putting on my music while I'm on the toilet) murder lives forever on the toilet
  2. the lyric is what i mentioned above it's "i'm your deadly nightshade, i'm your cherry tree" all's good tho, i don't expect the whole world to know the song
  3. I literally saw it for the first time only like a month ago. :shocked: It was so good though! I want that film's entire wardrobe tbqh. yay i'm not the only one!! and YASSSS SAME UGH
  4. something you consider rare on the toilet something you consider rare on the toilet
  5. confession: I only saw clueless two days ago
  6. It's an Australian store called Orporto's. I love it bc everything is grilled & much healthier. Omg, are you from Australia as well? Dat Bondi Burger tho...;) What is your biggest fear? yeesss remember I was that Lana fan from Sydney and we were talking about having sleepovers and talking about and listening to Lana in my welcome post lol. Biggest fear: Pain oops How old are you? Omg, duh! You changed your name tho, right? Or do I just have the worst memory ever? 20, but turning 21 in seventeen days! #OfficiallyAncient What's your favourite book series and why? yeeeeesss, I think I was haelolitahae? ooooh, you're the same age as my friend! well…not anymore, hahah. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! vampire academy bc I love it so so so much *.* there's multiple reasons hahah. are you going to a concert in the near future? It's an Australian store called Orporto's. I love it bc everything is grilled & much healthier. Omg, are you from Australia as well? Dat Bondi Burger tho...;) What is your biggest fear? yeesss remember I was that Lana fan from Sydney and we were talking about having sleepovers and talking about and listening to Lana in my welcome post lol. Biggest fear: Pain oops How old are you? Omg, duh! You changed your name tho, right? Or do I just have the worst memory ever? 20, but turning 21 in seventeen days! #OfficiallyAncient What's your favourite book series and why? yeeeeesss, I think I was haelolitahae? ooooh, you're the same age as my friend! well…not anymore, hahah. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! vampire academy bc I love it so so so much *.* there's multiple reasons hahah. are you going to a concert in the near future?
  7. sorry about the lame-ass title but it's 3:30 a.m. & I just thought of this. okay, so one person would post a lyric, and the next person would post another lyric that has one or more words in it that match the previous lyric. so, for example: person one: he used to call me d.n. - that stood for deadly nightshade person two: I'm your deadly nightshade, I'm your cherry tree okay, so imma start of with froot's lyric
  8. You want to..... I can't believe how we let this thread flop... lol Confession... Er, there's not much to confess. I hate 80s music. Most of it. Like go ahead and delete it fat if you try to send it to me. Ew so do I omg. My mum loves it & sometimes she plays it in the car & I really can't stand it omg. Okaayy so there was this time where I was literally ADDICTED to Lana. Listening to Lana was all I ever wanted to do, and it was awful bc I'm not allowed to listen to music in class & I couldn't concentrate at school. I was also very antisocial then. Also, this storm of melancholy & anxiety would come over me if I was not listening to her or doing something that had something to do with Lana (I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO LISTEN TO KATY AT ALL). And tbh I think it's coming back...but I feel like it's slightly different. GOD OKAY I KNOW I'M FUCKING WEIRD Being addicted to Lana is totally normal, but disliking 80s music is fucking weird. You should be ashamed of yourself tbh. Because it's all overrated, overplayed shit tbh And yet it's continued to inspire your faves (including Avril in that messy 'Hello Kitty' shit) for over three decades. I cannot comment as I've yet to listen to HK...don't hate on me btw but I will take Carson's word for it.
  9. my anti-virus says that PHF is untested PPL IT'S A VIRUS!!!! :evil:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl


      But I got tested just last week and came back negative.

    2. ☯ LARINA ☯

      ☯ LARINA ☯

      brb getting my coffin ready :shocked:

  10. oh god. yes, i'm copying lana. okay, bye. What did you do to that poor image link? I don't even know. This is the image tho: bye You look like a prettier version of Charli tho! whaaat? really? omg.
  11. You want to..... I can't believe how we let this thread flop... lol Confession... Er, there's not much to confess. I hate 80s music. Most of it. Like go ahead and delete it fat if you try to send it to me. Ew so do I omg. My mum loves it & sometimes she plays it in the car & I really can't stand it omg. Okaayy so there was this time where I was literally ADDICTED to Lana. Listening to Lana was all I ever wanted to do, and it was awful bc I'm not allowed to listen to music in class & I couldn't concentrate at school. I was also very antisocial then. Also, this storm of melancholy & anxiety would come over me if I was not listening to her or doing something that had something to do with Lana (I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO LISTEN TO KATY AT ALL). And tbh I think it's coming back...but I feel like it's slightly different. GOD OKAY I KNOW I'M FUCKING WEIRD Being addicted to Lana is totally normal, but disliking 80s music is fucking weird. You should be ashamed of yourself tbh. Because it's all overrated, overplayed shit tbh ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  12. Maybe if she is the whole project will go the same way as the Marilyn Manson video! Oh, I was talking about the soundtrack. BUT IF. SHE. IS. IN. IT. I. WILL. DIE. OMG. I. CAN'T. YAS. LANA. PLEASE!!! Oooooh, I gotcha! Omg, imagine if Lana did act in it! #LanaForMaleficentsGoodSister2015 PLEASE PLSEASE
  13. oh god. yes, i'm copying lana. okay, bye. What did you do to that poor image link? I don't even know. This is the image tho: bye
  14. Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you! Fixed it for you!
  15. Omg, I actually bought some headscarf thing with a confederate flag on it in America without realizing what it was. I wore it for like a week before someone told me what it was. omg. I only just discovered what it was like this month so don't worry lol. He used to call me D.C. - that stood for Daddy's Cunt look what tumblr has turned me into
  16. You want to..... I can't believe how we let this thread flop... lol Confession... Er, there's not much to confess. I hate 80s music. Most of it. Like go ahead and delete it fat if you try to send it to me. Ew so do I omg. My mum loves it & sometimes she plays it in the car & I really can't stand it omg. Okaayy so there was this time where I was literally ADDICTED to Lana. Listening to Lana was all I ever wanted to do, and it was awful bc I'm not allowed to listen to music in class & I couldn't concentrate at school. I was also very antisocial then. Also, this storm of melancholy & anxiety would come over me if I was not listening to her or doing something that had something to do with Lana (I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO LISTEN TO KATY AT ALL). And tbh I think it's coming back...but I feel like it's slightly different. GOD OKAY I KNOW I'M FUCKING WEIRD Being addicted to Lana is totally normal, but disliking 80s music is fucking weird. You should be ashamed of yourself tbh. Hey! Everyone has their own opinion and taste and they have a right to have it. I personally find it too...synthetic, I don't know.
  17. It's an Australian store called Orporto's. I love it bc everything is grilled & much healthier. Omg, are you from Australia as well? Dat Bondi Burger tho...;) What is your biggest fear? yeesss remember I was that Lana fan from Sydney and we were talking about having sleepovers and talking about and listening to Lana in my welcome post lol. Biggest fear: Pain oops How old are you?
  18. I'm back again guys omg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Carcunt


      Yeah, where the fuck did you even go? lol

    3. ☯ LARINA ☯

      ☯ LARINA ☯

      I was just really slack on coming on.

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Don't you leave me ever again or I'll jump off a cliff! :'(

  19. our honeymoon on the toilet
  20. Avril music masterpost anyone??

  21. I'm shocked that anyone even liked Froot, let alone considers it one of their favourite albums of all time. How dare u I love it! I'm a Ruin and Savages Are 2 of my fav songs just because I love the lyrics. SAVAGES FOREVER!!!! But my favourite Marina one has to be The Family Jewels bc it seems so raw & really deep. I love how she sang about her personal problems with socialising & stuff, which is an issue I have as well. Also, the record had this rock kind of edge to it, in a way. She was more alternative then. The same goes with Katy's One of the Boys. It seemed less pop then, and more on the rock edge. But that's what was in circa 2008, right? As for Lana, I actually don't have a favourite album. I want to say Born To Die as I was actually obsessed with it at one stage (but that was the only studio album Lana had released (apart from A.K.A. obviously) then bc Ultraviolence wasn't yet released). I have an extremely strong feeling that Honeymoon will be my favourite. I feel really good vibes from it and if (BIG IF OKAY? NO ARGUMENTS) Serial Killer is on the album I will die from being to utterly happy as it is my favourite song of all time.
  22. can y'all link me an avril masterpost? xx

  23. can i be a phf writer? 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      For the blog? You should be! ;)

    2. ☯ LARINA ☯
  24. Maybe if she is the whole project will go the same way as the Marilyn Manson video! Oh, I was talking about the soundtrack. BUT IF. SHE. IS. IN. IT. I. WILL. DIE. OMG. I. CAN'T. YAS. LANA. PLEASE!!!
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