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Everything posted by sarz

  1. I find this ridiculous not even the infamous track entitled Kim caused this much controversy but because its Lana Del Who? Everyone's up in arms, I was down with Eminem in Marshal Mathers LP Days but am down with all the commercial bs. But I still think that this has been blown out of all proportion and is stupid. He already told you on the track Criminal not to take everything he says in his songs literally. People really need to get a grip, going mental like he actually did it or something haha.
  2. Some people clearly have too much time on their hands.
  3. Bob Geldof is a fucking Dickhead of the highest proportion. That song is bullshit I actually find it quite offensive to be honest. Adele is smart and I rate her for standing up and going against the majority.
  4. Apparently it's not true and Chris made it up. Him and Tran are back together now and he has apologised to Tran for lying about her and Drake and comparing her to Rhi Rhi. Apparently Saying "I don't know what I was thinking by saying that s***. Rihanna is nothing compared to you. You see I'm with you. I will never, ever compare you to her as long as I live. She doesn't even exist to me. You are my everything. Everything I am and have is because of you,"
  5. I agree that it is totally overblown. My first thought was when I watched it where was the harassment. If the girl had said fuck off they guy walking next to her probably would have. Also she was wearing jeans a top and a cardigan hardly a sultry outfit, I think she attracted attention because she was attractive I don't think the clothing had much to do with it at all. In the instance where she was wearing a hijab of course she got approached less. Most people know that most muslims, seek other muslims its part of their faith. Muslims of faith don't drink or participate in sex before marriage. So why would they type of men that harass women in the street who probably want an easy lay seek out a woman in a hijab who is practically unobtainable. I can't see what the big deal is take the compliment feel good about and move on.
  6. Anyone watched the first half of season 1, for those who haven't its a legal drama series starring Viola Davis which made sound boring but its far from. Very cleverly done always keeps you guessing and always leaves you wanting more. at the ready for the second half or season 1 (January 29th 2015)
  7. I haven't but I will be now as most of my shows have finished for over xmas
  8. Loved Murder House, Loved the Asylum but the Coven and the Freakshow for me, just haven't lived up to the first two seasons.
  9. Who knew The Saturdays had fans I personally think they're probably lovely girls but imo the music is garbage and I won't be chasing them anywhere.
  10. So funny I love Seth Rogen and crew never disappoint!
  11. sarz


    Season 4 episode 11 Epitaph back on the box tonight. Can't wait http://youtu.be/ZjMhr_nvO-Y
  12. I'll be honest as hot as Zac is I don't really rate him as an actor but then I've only got HSM to off. So I shunned the movie until forced to watch it and I will gladly take it all back. It was hilarious. I laughed till I cried.
  13. And....... he is looking as gorgeous as ever
  14. I thought the movie was ok I agree, not as funny as Pineapple Express or This is the End, but brave nonetheless.
  15. Well it took them long enough. I can't wait to watch this, just hope its worth the wait and can live up to it's predecessor.
  16. I don't feel sorry for drake they are all as bad as each other and suing for a dislocated shoulder is pathetic in my opinion. Here if you have a fight and you lose you go away and lick your wounds then you would shake hands and move on. You don't start suing in any case it takes two people to have a fight so both are at fault and both are probably enjoying all the publicity that came with it.
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