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Everything posted by 808Dream

  1. that's super weird, i cannot access it using a proxy... can you access it right now with a vpn?
  2. don't know where i can post this kind of thread but i guess this is the right place. it appears like all dbree domains (.me and .org) are down from here, don't know if it's a geoblock but the weird thing is that,still i see people posting dbree links actually everywhere... but site appears to be unreachable via proxy as well and downformeoreveryone says the site is down for all, how can that be? i truly can't understand what's going on. so is dbree unavailable for you too?
  3. This is the Alamy page selling the pack https://www.alamy.it/casanova-mann-mit-venezianischer-maske-casanova-uomo-con-maschera-veneziana-image68584470.html
  4. Thanks so much for offering, even if I think it's almost impossible. These are usually non famous models, shoots like this are made just to be sold and used for whatever, advertising, flyers, whatever. Dreamtime, alamy sell these photos in stock packs.
  5. I don't know, both info are uncredited on site selling images 🙄
  6. Can someone help me find these images in HQ without the alamy damn watermark
  7. more on my gram @eight0eightdream
  8. That's what she said when openly asked about them though 😒
  9. can't believe this woman said she lost the songs she recorded with RedOne (lost like she doesn't find them anymore...)
  10. Bravo!
  11. This is millions better than most of her official covers
  12. Sarah Harding passed away this morning, she was 39. May she rest in peace.
  13. we'll sadly get a couple of extended as usual
  14. This is so good, I'm glad she's back with Warner, she's released her best albums with them. I have great expectations on those reissues, I truly hope they'll include unreleased stuff like all those demos that went to other singers, like Possessive Love, Tell Me, Each Time You Break My Heart and Just A dream, I'd die for that.
  15. This is Jamie Lynn post on ig And this is Britney's reply
  16. Guess she got control of her ig back. Have you seen the last two posts where she drags her sis? https://www.instagram.com/p/CRaRQZigmrM/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CRcirTFgkEE/?utm_medium=copy_link
  17. Do a Cher lol How many Godbye Forever, Farewell for Eternity tours does she gave btw?
  18. As sad as this can be, I think releasing music under her name without even asking her is truly awful. I Hope her stans will leak all of her music so her greedy dad won't make anymore money out of her. She'll bless every leaked song, cause it's gonna turn against that pos of her father.
  19. her psycho dad will have full control now, this is awful. Also her Instagram page shows that something sick is going on, it's clear she doesn't even have access to that, poor Britney. She badly needs someone who really cares about her health, not her money. How can they let this happen? So awful, what a shitty family.
  20. I'm aware that things might be way more complicated than how they're reported, but it seems like everyone ( but Britney) is taking financial benefit out of this situation and her cry for help cannot be ignored. Jamie Lynn cannot be completely unaware of what's going on: she was designated as the one to benefit of Britney's wealth in case her sister should die. There's also an awful loads of flights paid with Britney's money, so it's weird she doesn't know what's going on in her family. Moreover comparing her sister's wish for freedom to 'going to the rainforest and have a zillion babies' is truly revolting. She surely doesn't deserve the backlash she's getting right now, but dry crying and most of the things she's saying in that video are unbearable. ?
  21. Though I strongly believe she's just trying to keep her job, and doesn't genuinely believe a word she's saying the most irritating thing is the fake crying, such a BAD actress... comparing Britney's cry for freedom to 'going to a rainforest and have a zillion babies' is also nauseous...
  22. This is so sad, someway her music was part of my life as a kid, it's truly awful, hope she'll get rid of that damn conservatoship and find someone who truly cares about her health.
  23. Oh ok I'll watch it when I'll be home tonight, BTW anyone got a link to dl Framing Britney Spears
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