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Everything posted by 808Dream

  1. I like Mutya's voice a lot, probably the most recognizable out of the three. didn't almost recognize her at first, thought it was Rita Ora,
  2. Mutya looks dramatically different
  3. Why are people still asking for retrograde to leak if it's gonna be released friday?
  4. Deluxe Version of love sux is set to be released November 25th This is the cover. Any info on the traclkist or what's going to be included?
  5. This nun won season 2 of the Voice IT. It turns out she's not a nun anymore, she apparently decided to give it all up during covid-19 lockdown. I've alway had my doubts about the real religious vocation of this nun, she definitely spent more time on stage than in humanitarian activities back then. She had a couple of albums out and even released a cover of Madonna's Like A Virgin when she still was a nun. It looks like walking in sin made her feel all shiny and new. Former virgin definitely made it through somehow.
  6. Backstreet Boys paying tribute to Aaron Carter during their concert
  7. The song was awarded best collaboration at the EMAs, they even opened the show. I'm so glad they noticed fans interest for the song and released it, it's something every artist should do. They should profit from scraps leaking not wasting time being pissed. I saw their performance on YouTube last night, and now the video is private so I can't embed it, regional restrictions in 2022 are as dumb as the fear for songs leaking. So here she is speaking enthusiastically about the song going viral before being even released
  8. She's naturally cute, what's the point of turning into a living manga? Wtf
  9. I would have never expected her going this nuts. She's a super smart woman but she just lost the plot, always liked her, she set rules for any other female popstar but she's turned into a parody now. It's so sad. She's got amazing eyes but she messed her face so much I can barely recognize her, she looks like an alien, and there was no need for that she would have looked great without all that surgery. Let alone the music: those dreadful remixes of amazing tracks like Frozen or Hung Up, the rap mixes... On a side note to surgery, why do they even do that? Are they so insecure that they need that to feel pretty? Don't they just look in the mirror? Is there someone that advices them to go for it in order to stay relevant? I don't know... It's just so crazy. Look at Ariana Grande, she's young, she used to have a cute fresh face with amazing Latino features, now she looks like a living snapchat filter...
  10. I was thinking the same, but if Lift Me, Up was picked as the good one to deserve a single treatment just imagine how dreadful the other one must be. Maybe they scrapped it for a good reason.
  11. She's clearly lying. The truth is in what she says at the beginning when she says 'oh my God my fans will think I have new music coming, I've gotta go back to work' She hasn't moved a finger (except for putting some nail polish on it) since her last album, she's dead bored at the only thought of starting to record again. I start thinking that also that Lift Me Up thing is a reworked scrap from her back catalogue. Katy Perry Just Eating full time, Rihanna turned makeup youtuber... What a downfall... You're damn right, they should just retire.
  12. Make up guru Rihanna doesn't feel like going back to work, no way, forget it. Recording a 3 minutes pling plong floppy lullaby thing was the only effort she did in a recording studio in 6 years, and apart from that there's no need or will from her to go back to work. Superbowl? How dare you fans even think that's something related to music? Just a nice party with a lot of Umbrella ella ella ella ella (and big money), that's it. Understood you stoopid* fans? *this is the way she supposedly considers her fans, at least it's what you get from the tone she uses in the video down below you need to watch for a better comprehension. Ps: 'we'll see, unrelated, special project, well see' stands for expect moisturizing cream chatters for 6 more years though.
  13. Yes there sadly was a reason for that.. I watched that MJ documentary and it was disturbing and scary in many ways. There were a bunch of kids stars interviewed and most likely involved in some degree, maybe they mentioned Aaron as well but I don't remember. This is awful, poor guy he was totally messed up, wonder if he refused help or didn't get the help he needed.
  14. Thanks a lot amore If someone comes up with something larger is welcome.
  15. Never read about the manager thing you're mentioning, so I wouldn't know what to say. For what I know he started using drugs pretty early, that messed up the whole thing, like his brother just wrote on Twitter he desperately needed help to fix his addiction and mental health issues. Poor soul, yes probably fame at that young age was pretty hard to handle.
  16. These kind of posts are usually pretty useless but I'll give it a try anyway can somebody help me identify the original HQ image this crop is from
  17. Aaron Carter dead at 34
  18. Thank god it shut down for eternity
  19. Didn't go through all the posts but I read they're the support act for Take That at the HP concert, wonder if it's the og lineup and if they'll release something new. A bit ot, but I've always been obsessed with the Soul Seekerz edit Remix of Mutya's song with the Amy Winehouse sample 'b boy baby' don't know why but there's something in that song that makes me want to shake my ass really hard.
  20. Guess Freud would have something to say about his incomprehensible obsession against gay people. This is a super interesting read, it's actually more comprehensible than reading elsewhere. thanks a lot for sharing.
  21. A few groups sharing audio files are gone 😒
  22. Oh I was pretty pissed I had been kicked out of a couple of discord groups for actually not doing nothing wrong, but now it's pretty sure it's a copyright thing, they might have swept a bunch of groups sharing audio files. Why wasting so much time in chasing discord groups sharing scraps only a few cares about when they could channel their energies in decently promotion their artists careers. Record labels are run by idiots.
  23. Couldn't agree more. I read somewhere they are happpy to do it, they're of course forced to say it, but it's so cringe... Happy to go to army? One should be supposed to be happy when he's invited to a friend's birthday party not when forced to join the army for years... lol 😆 Ot K-Pop consideration: I didn't know much about K-Pop until around one year ago, but the feeling towards all these samey interchangeable groups was instinctively pretty repulsive for some reason. I felt I needed some extra information so I watched a couple documentaries cause I really wanted to understand. Guess I'll never post anything about it because my broken English might mess things up and I don't wanna be definitely called racist or ignorant again for bad wording concepts. But I guess my meh feelings towards K-Pop found an explanation. The masterpost with K-Pop writers demos was super good though and made me want to know more about it.
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